WESSA Annual Review 2020

CONTENTS CHAIRMAN’S REPORT ....................................................... 4 CEO REPORT. ...................................................................... 6 FINANCIAL REVIEW ........................................................... 8 EDUCATION CENTRES ..................................................... 10 WESSA BUSH PIGS ........................................................... 13 WESSA TREASURE BEACH ............................................... 14 WESSA TWINSTREAMS ..................................................... 17 WESSA UMNGENI VALLEY .............................................. 18 WESSA SISHEN .................................................................. 21 WESSA SCHOOLS PROGRAMME .................................. 22 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM ................................................... 26 WESSA TOURISM GREEN COAST Stories of Change... 29 AGYI............................................................................30 WESSA TRAINING ............................................................ 32 YES PROGRAMME ........................................................... 34 MEMBERSHIP .................................................................... 36 WESSA YOUTH VOLUNTEER PROGRAMME.................38 SDG CLASSROOM ........................................................... 41 THE 2019 WESSA ANNUAL AWARDS..........................42 OUR FUNDERS .................................................................. 47

This project combines all the elements of Eco-Logic. It is focused on an important biodiversity region and is engaging the youth to ensure its future in a sustainable manner. It supports skills development and job creation and aims to create a sustainable future built on passion for the environment. Among the beneficiaries are the local communities. We feel that this model should be replicated on a national scale as its impact could be beneficial and far reaching. Given the post- COVID need to build a better and greener future, this kind of model has a lot to offer! WESSA won Gold in the Biodiversity Category of the Ecologic awards


Annual Review 2019-2020

Annual Review 2019-2020


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