Here are two family developments that excite Loretta and me.

LORETTA and BOB LIFTON are delighted at the marriage of their granddaughter Meg on May 26th. The bride, Meg Healy, is the Talent Development Manager at Horizon Health Services, the largest mental health services provider in Buffalo New York. The groom, Nate Gulley, just graduated with his MBA from SUNY Buffalo and is a bank officer in the prestigious Executive Associates program at M&T bank. Separately, on May 14th, the Lifton's grandson Matt Hooper, the host of the 'IBM Blockchain Pulse' podcast, produced, also in collaboration with IBM, the first event of its kind: 'Blockchain On Broadway'. A tech-inspired musical variety show featuring songs, skits, and a keynote interview, 'Blockchain On Broadway' was a totally SOLD OUT show, performed in the heart of the theater district, during the most im- portant week of its kind: Blockchain Week NYC."

LIBRARY NEWS You may have noƟced that your Frenchman’s Creek library looks different. AŌer 15 years, we decided to  do a Spring Cleaning. There are a few things that we, your volunteer librarians, would like to bring to your  aƩenƟon. We ask that you donate books that are CURRENT. We are no longer shelving paperback books  so please do not bring them to the library. We now have room for puzzles (all the pieces please) and  games. NO VIDEOS. We ask that you DO NOT SHELVE books, please place them in the book container.  The library has been a pleasant addiƟon to the many conveniences we enjoy here at Frenchman’s Creek.  Please keep reading and donaƟng books.   Thank you.


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