
Annual Luncheon

“The World’s Cleanest Comedian” takes the stage Kent Rader gives a hilarious keynote comedy routine at the ACA Annual Luncheon

T he phrase “laughter is the best medicine” is well-known, but laughter actually does have significant health benefits along with being a tool that can be used to form a bond between people. This is the message that Kent Rader gave to conference-goers during the ACA Annual Luncheon, sponsored byAramark Correctional Services and Falcon Correctional and Community Services, Inc., that took place Tuesday, Jan. 15 at 12:30 p.m. Known as the world’s cleanest comedian, Rader is the co-star of “The Baby Boomer Comedy Show: Clean Comedy for People Born Before Seatbelts.” But it is his work as a motivational speaker, which he has done for over 15 years, where he truly

shines; educating his crowds on how humor is one of the most effective tools known to the business world and entertaining them with his routine at the same time. After eating a delicious meal, attendees were treated to Rader’s routine that touched on topics such as technology, raising children and grandchil- dren and the importance of laughter in every day life. As he started his routine, Rader pointed out the positive physiological effects that humor has on the body, he said that “It is well documented that humor not only helps us reduce our stress, and improve our health, it helps organizations build collaboration. It helps organizations build team work, it helps individuals tap into those

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