Reece 32


SYMPTOM TEST-REMEDY No End Dense at start MAIN SWITCH __ Pull to Start @ Set voltmeter to the 50 volt de scale. SELECTOR P&E Connect the negative probe to ground CLAMP TABLE __ Back· MACHINE CONDITIONS

or 142, and the positive probe to 3V. If a 24 volt de reading is obtained, the Clamp Table Forward switch is good. If not, replace switch.

@ Set the voltmeter to the 50 volt de scale. Connect the negative prqbe to ground or 142 and the positive probe to TP22. If a 24 volt de reading is obtained, the Dense Start Switch is good. If not, re- place the switch. @ Set the voltmeter to the 150 volt ac scale. c·onnect the probes to 16V and TP28. If a 115 volt reading is obtained, the circuit board c;omponents are good. If not, replace the circuit board. §) Set the meter to the X10 ohms scale. Connect the probes to 16V and TP28. The meter should read approximately 80 ohms. If it does not, replace the end dense solenoid.

Sam, as above

Same as above

Same as above

Same as above

MAIN SWITCH_;.__ Push to Stop

Same as above

MAIN SWITCH__ Pull to Start @ Set the voltmeter to the 50 volt d~ scale.

No End Dense at

Connect the negative probe to ground or 142 and the positive probe to TP22. Close the Dense Finish switch by hand. The meter should read 24 volts de. If it does not, reset-the Pense Finish switch.





Pull Clamp Table forward one half


® Set voltmeter to the 50 volt de scale. Connect the negative probe to ground ·or 142 and the p~sitive probe to TP22. If a 24 volt de reading is obtained, make a continuity check through the Dense

Dense stitch through

Same as above

whole cycle.

Stc1rt and Dense Finish switches and replace faulty switch. (Continuity through either switch in this check indi- cates sticking contacts.)

From the Library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

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