Reece 32


Before adjusting switches, pull Main (Stop/Start) Switch out and send Clamp Table to its back position by turning Clamp Clearing Switch to Back. Set Selector Switch to 11 Elec • 11 • Energize Sewing cycle by pressing Knee Control. This wil I eliminate clamp table feed pressure and per– mit the Clomp Table to be moved forward manually. It wi II also enable switches to actuate ' . their corresponding solenoids to simplify checking switch adjustments. (S19)FINGERS UP sw: @®X® CLAMP rllLWoRwARD SWITCH ~ Forward movement of Forward movement of roller bracket (B) must click actuator (A) must click switch before the Fingers Up switch is actuated. this switch after or while Bend switch lever as required. bracket (B) has actuated ~~;:::--... IMPORTANT: Fingers .will not Clamp Table Forward operate automatically unless Switch. ,-------- this adiustment is correct. (sn)DENSE START SW~ (S 24 ~~~0 ~n~~ sw.@.@

Set switch ann high on bracket so that switch clicks when contacted b / II y forward movement of roller bracket (C). Both switches must be set to click at

Position switch to click when contacted by forward movement of actuator (D). A of 3/8 11 must be maintained between the center line of the Length Switch rol I and the Length Safety Switch roll. CENTER KNIFE ·oOWN . DENSE FINISH- LENGTH SWITCHES ·See facing page (S12) (s9)


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Set switches to click just before lever (E) reaches bottom of its stroke. •

IMPORTANT: Switches click twice -- once when the lever is depressed and again when the lever is released. The click points can be heard at close range or may be ~elt by placing a finger .lightly on the fulcrum poiQt of the switch lever. NOTE: Al I adiustments refer to. the first click of the switch.

From the Library of Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

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