New-Tech Military Magazine | Q2 - 2024 | Digital Edition

Save The Date 29.5.2024

3D-DAY The Annual 3D Printings Conference

Pavilion 1, EXPO Tel Aviv 29.5.2024 09:30-15:00

Among the Lectures: Mrs. Ronny Eden, 3D Dept. CTO, SU-PAD | Defense and Aerospace Additive Solutions – An Overview of New and Innovative Applications Mr. Ohad Dolev, Director of Business Dev. & Application, Tritone | Additive Metal Manufacturing with Moldjet Technology. Heterogeneous Conforming Compliant and Dynamic Microstructure Mechanisms Mr. Zachy Shtamler, Head of Additive Manufacturing Business Unit, Kanfit AM / Kanfit3D Ltd. Member RAFAEL AM Group | Transition to Industrial Production with Additive Manufacturing Technology Mr. Yoav Redlich, Head of AM Center, RD&E Devision, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. | Introduction to 3D Printing of Metallic Materials Mr. Hotam Lezerovich, Director of Micro AM Technology, Fabrica Group, Nano Dimensions | Unleash the Power of Rapid Micro Additive Manufacturing Mr. Omri Rulf, CEO, Polyfos | Scaling Up with Automated Polymer Additive Manufacturing Reviewing the Unique Solution and its Materials and Application Offering Prof. Gershon Elber. Computer Science Department, Technion |

Sponsor By:

ההשתתפות באירועי ניו-טק היא לעובדי תעשיית הכניסה לתערוכה ללא | ההיי-טק והאלקטרוניקה תשלום אך נדרשת הרשמה מוקדמת ואישור החברה המארגנת

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