FY 2020 Budget

Budget Impact: The library continues to be a gathering place for the community and continues to offer creative programming for all patrons. Library material circulation, as well as monthly visitors, continues to be strong. The budget contained herein allows the library the necessary resources to continue their efforts. The increases to this year's budget are mainly on the personnel side of the budget. During the last wage process, it was noted that the City's librarian positions had fallen below the average for positions in cities of similar size. The City Council agreed to a three year correction to their salaries, therefore increasing those positions above the annual cost of living increase given to other employees. The budget also increase the amount of resources available for programming functions at the Library. In the Fiscal Year 2018, the City began making direct allocation to the Library Reserve fund to allow for the development of a capital improvement plan. This budget continues that allocation with funds coming from the city's Hotel-Motel tax receipts. Projects identified by the capital improvement plan include updating the furniture and HVAC systems.

Future Concerns:

Libraries are no longer just a place to check out books or magazines or do research, they have become a gathering place for the community. Due to these changing needs and services, the current library building may not meet all of those needs. The city will begin the process of creating a long term facilities plan to discuss the future needs of city departments under this budget. This process will identify the future plans for each department as well as what additional space or facilities will be needed. One of those spaces that will be studied is the library. No determination has been made as to the outcome of the study or what will be recommended.


Percent of General Fund Expenditures (net transfers)









Actual 16/17 Actual 17/18 Budget 18/19 Budget 19/20

Library 7%

Number of Employees (FTEs)

Part Time


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