ESB Graded Examinations in Speech Teacher Guidance: Intermediate

Authors for Commentary on a Prepared Reading (Grade 4)/CommunicaƟng a Character (Grade 5): Sufiya Ahmed  (Secrets of the Henna Girl) Vivian Alcock  (The Cuckoo Sisters) John Boyne  (The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas) Eoin Colfer  (Artemis Fowl series) Gerald Durrell  (My Family and Other Animals) William Golding  (Lord of the Flies) Jamila Gavin  John Green  (The Fault in Our Stars) Mark Harden ( The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time) Laurie Lee  (Cider with Rosie) Harper Lee  (To Kill a Mockingbird) Taran Matharu   Sophie Mackenzie ( Girl Missing) George Orwell  (1984, Animal Farm) Arthur Ransome  (Swallows and Amazons) John Steinbeck  (Of Mice and Men) Lauren Weisburger (The Devil Wears Prada) H G Wells  (War of the Worlds)

Please note that any text that is part of a GCSE Level English syllabus is also   considered as an appropriate choice.  


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