IIW 2016 Annual Report


GOAL: To assist in the implementation of IIW’s output

Prof. Madeleine Du Toit (Australia) Chair: WG-COM&MARK

A WG-COM&MARK project in 2016 was the deve- lopment in electronic format of the collection of radiographs illustrating welding imperfections, one of the original IIW publications, supported by an application for Android-based tablet-PCs. The group worked closely with DVS, the developer of the application, to launch the demonstration ver- sion into the industrial marketplace and develop an on-going marketing strategy for the comple- ted product. Preparation continued for the transition from a single IIW website to two sites, a corporate web- site for promotion of the Institute and a Microsoft OneDrive service for internal communication and hosting of WU documents.

Work continued in 2016 on the development of a set of corporate brochures for use by the Secretariat and IIWMember Societies for the pro- motion and marketing of IIW. Two brochures, IIW Values and IIW Technical Working Units are already available on the website. Finally, a Study Group of experts was establi- shed in January 2016, in liaison with Springer, to investigate the establishment of an IIW Global Knowledge Database to further improve the ac- cessibility of the wealth of information contained in IIW documents and publications. This major project will continue to explore the ways IIW can best utilise modern communication and informa- tion technologies for the benefit of all.


GOAL: To assist in the formulation and preparation of international standardisation documents

In 2016, the working programme of WG-STAND included 54 standardisation projects in 9 WUs; 13 standardisation drafts in different stages; 5 systematic reviews during 2016 (all confirmed); and 7 ISO Standards and Technical Reports published during 2016, which are: •ISO 14270:2016, ISO 14272:2016, ISO 14273:2016 in the field of testing of resistance welded joints. •ISO 18211:2016 Non-destructive testing – Long range inspection of above ground pipelines and plant piping using guided wave testing with axial propagation. •ISO/TR 25901-1, Parts 1,3 and 4 Welding and allied processes – Vocabulary. A revision of the procedures for the IIW – ISO/TC 44 – CEN/TC 121 Coordination Committee (ISO/ TC 44/JAG) will support IIW’s role as an interna- tional standardising body.

Mr Mathias Lundin (Sweden) Chair: WG-STAND

A document, WG-STAND-0228-16 History of IIW Standardisation, was initiated by Mr Glenn Ziegenfuss (USA) to be used as a reference to show the large contribution from IIW to the stan- dardisation of welding and allied processes. A document, WG-STAND-0233-16 Guidance and Communication Reference , was also initiated and comprised motives and guidance for all IIW operatives to communicate and promote IIW as a standards body. The work continues to improve our operations in order to maintain confidence and the ability to leverage the IIW as an excellent tool for contri- buting technical solutions for the global industry.


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