TreStoreKøbenhavnskeEpidemier-3.31.2016 11-22-36 PM

later became chairmann o f the Hygiene Committee o f Helath Department. Cosmus Bræstrup, the commissioner o f the Copenhagen Police. Bræstrup was fa­ mous for his energy, and he got the notification-offices etc. organized quickly. Sofus Engelsted, M.D., during the epidemic appointed registrar in Almindelig Hos­ pital, having the unenviable job o f being in charge o f Almindelig Hospital during the epidemic. Later on he became a member o f the Health Department and chief physi­ cian o f the venerological ward o f the Municipal Hospital. Engelsted was a character, and he often went hos own way. Hen was notorious for his sharp remarks. Polio has been known occurring endemically since Underwood described the first cases in 1789 . The first poliomyelitis epidemics were recognized at the beginning o f the 19 th cen­ tury, but it was the two research workers Heine and Medin, who finally distinguished polio from other diseases with paresis involvement. Medin also discovered that it was an infection. A fter the discovery o f vims at the beginning o f the 20th century it was contrived to disclose poliomyelitis as a viral disease. A t first it was assumed to be transmitted primarily by droplet infection, but during the large American epidemics in the nine- teenforties a great many polioviruses were discovered in faeces. Only when it was made possible to cultivate poliovirus in tissue a vaccine was finally invented. The first poliovaccine used for large-scale vaccination in 19 5 3 consisted o f killed vaccine (Jonas Salk). In 1960 Bruce Sabin produced the first vaccine o f live attenuated vims. Poliomyelitis is caused by a vims o f the enteric group. Man is the natural host. The entrance gate being the mouth. After about a week the infection is located in the in­ testinal tract. Here the disease will either stop or become general. When, after a stage o f viraemia, the vims has entered the central nervous system the characteristic para­ lysis will occur. The illness will probably leave life-long immunity. The fact that after 19 4 0 it has appeared more epidemically, and with increasing maximum o f age, is probably due to the progress o f hygiene, which is a protection against asymptomal infections in the early childhood. This can also explain, why the disease during the years after the Second World War became epidemic in industrialized poor countries. Thanks to the vaccination the disease is now rare in Europe and the United States. Up to 19 5 2 Denmark had had several minor epidemics. Therefore the disease was known and a new outbreak expected, although not such a violent one. The patients in Copenhagen could be admitted to Blegdamshospitalet, the capacity o f this hospital being flexible. At Statens Seruminstitut experiments with semm treatment were carried out, and they were interested in vaccine against polio at an early stage. The epidemic broke out in Ju ly 19 5 2 , and the last cases occured in January 19 5 3 . During this period nearly 3.000 cases were reported in Copenhagen, out o f which num­ ber, though, 1600 were nonparalytic. The medical officers at Blegdamshospitalet distributed the patients. The minor ca­ ses had to be transferred to emergency wards established in other hospitals o f the town. The 35 0 patients with respiratory paresis represented a special problem. The mor­ tality o f this kind o f patients had been nearly 100% in previous epidemics. In 19 5 2 , by a fruitful teamwork o f medical officers, anaesthesiologists, laryngoologists and technicians, it was contrived to develop a new technique o f permanent artificial ven­ tilation. The treatment included tracheostomia, physiotherapy, control o f O 2 - and CO 2 -tension in the blood and primarily manuel balloon ventilation, - later on mechani­ cal ventilation in respirator. The polio patients often needed a long rehabilitation period after the acute stage. 200 Poliomyelitis.

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