Areva - Reference Document 2016


20.2 Notes to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2016 FINANCIAL INFORMATION CONCERNING ASSETS, FINANCIAL POSITION AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE

○ AREVA is not involved in the management of the dedicated investment funds, which are managed by independent and reputable asset management firms. These investment funds are benchmarked to the MSCI index of large European capitalizations, with strict limits on risk. Furthermore, the funds are regulated by the French stock market authority AMF (Autorité des marches financiers) and therefore subject to regulations governing investment and concentration of risk; ○ AREVA does not control the investment fund management firms; ○ AREVA does not hold voting rights in the investment funds; ○ The investment funds do not trade directly or indirectly in financial instruments issued by AREVA; ○ None of the financial investments made by the funds are strategic to AREVA; ○ AREVA receives no benefit and bears no risk other than that normally associated with investments in investment funds and in proportion to its holding; ○ AREVA may terminate the management agreements only in specific cases (gross negligence, fraud, etc.). Consequently, AREVA cannot replace a fund management company at will. Accordingly, the dedicated investment funds are recorded on a single line in the balance sheet in an amount corresponding to AREVA’s share of their net asset value as of the end of the year. In view of the long-term investment objective, investment funds earmarked to fund end-of-lifecycle operations are classified as “available-for-sale securities”. Consequently, the accounting treatment of changes in value and the methods of assessing and recognizing impairment are identical to those applicable to traded shares held directly. p As an exception to the rules described above, bonds held directly as well as certain dedicated investment funds consisting exclusively of bonds held to maturity are classified in the “securities held to maturity” category and valued using the amortized cost method. available-for-sale securities This heading combines the other shares held by AREVA in publicly traded companies, except for shares in joint ventures and associates consolidated under the equity method, and shares held for trading. These shares are valued in the same manner as shares allocated to the dedicated portfolio: p changes in fair value recorded under “Other items of comprehensive income”, except for lasting impairment, which is recognized in net financial income. This item also includes the group’s interests in the capital of unconsolidated companies, either because AREVA does not have control and has no significant influence over them, or because of they are insignificant. These shares are valued at their acquisition cost when their fair value cannot be estimated reliably. This is particularly the case for privately held companies. impairment of assets earmarked for end-of- lifecycle operations and other available-for-sale securities Lasting impairment is recognized in the event of a significant or prolonged drop in the price or net asset value of a line of securities below their initial value. This impairment is calculated as the difference between the prices traded on the stock market or the net asset value of the securities on the last day of the period and their initial value, corresponding to their historical acquisition cost. p fair value equal to the last traded price of the year;

AREVA determines the significant or lasting nature of a drop in the price or net asset value of a line of securities using several criteria, depending on: p the type of investments used, where the level of volatility and risk may vary substantially: money-market, bond or equity investment funds; bonds or equities held directly; p whether or not they are earmarked to fund end-of-lifecycle operations: assets earmarked for end-of-lifecycle operations must legally be held for very long periods of time, with expenses covered occurring after 2050. AREVA has therefore established thresholds beyond which it considers that a drop in the price or net asset value of a line of securities is significant or prolonged and requires the recognition of lasting impairment. The impairment is measured for significance by comparing the price or net asset value of the line of securities with its historical acquisition cost. The prolonged nature of a drop is measured by observing the length of time during which the price or net asset value of the line of securities continued to be below its historical acquisition cost. The drop is always considered significant or lasting if it exceeds the following thresholds, which are objective indicators of impairment:



Assets earmarked for end-of-lifecycle operations

Money-market investment funds

5% 1 year


1 Bond investment funds and bonds held directly

25% 2 years 50% 3 years 50% 3 years

Equity investment funds


Directly held shares


Other available-for-sale securities

Directly held shares

50% 2 years


Securities that have dropped below these thresholds are not subject to lasting impairment unless other available information on the issuer indicates that the drop is probably irreversible. In that case, AREVA uses its own judgment to determine whether lasting impairment should be recognized. These thresholds are likely to be re-estimated over time as a function of changes in the economic and financial environment. Impairment of available-for-sale securities is irreversible in nature and may only be released to profit and loss on sale of the securities. An increase in prices or in net asset value subsequent to the recognition of impairment is recorded as a change in fair value under “Other items of comprehensive income”. Any additional loss of value affecting a line of previously impaired securities is recorded as additional impairment in net financial income for the year., advances and deposits This heading mainly includes loans related to unconsolidated interests, advances for acquisitions of interests, and security deposits.



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