CROI 2015 Program and Abstracts

Author Index

Kooij, Katherine W.; 806 Koole, Olivier; 885, 1046 Koontz, Dianna; 379, 379, 398 Koopmans, Peter P.; 669 Kootstra, Neeltje; 381, 806

Kumar, Sonal; 644, 644 Kumarasamy, Nagalingeswaran; 313 Kumwenda, Johnstone; 1047 Kumwenda, Newton; 869 Kumwenda, Newton I.; 1047 Kuniholm, Mark; 676 Kuniholm, Mark H.; 1050 Kunz, Erika; 903 Kuo, Alex; 661 Kuo, Irene; 665 Kuritzkes, Daniel; 110LB, 235, 307, 421LB Kuritzkes, Daniel R.; 430 Kurland, Irwin; 880 Kurniati, Nia; 956 Kurt Yilmaz, Nese; 693 Kurth, Ann; 1095 Kuruc, JoAnn D.; 1003 Kusiima, Joy; 1039 Kuster, Herbert; 199, 218 Kutscher, Hilliard L.; 542 Kuwata, Takeo; 589 Kwakwa, Helena; 1078 Kwarisiima, Dalsone; 740 , 1071, 1101 Kwiatkowski, Robert; 91 LaBranch, Celia; 904 LaBranche, Celia; 221 Lacabaratz, Christine; 353, 819 Lacey, Simon; 402 Lachenal, Guillaume; 230 Lachowsky, Nathan J.; 1023, 1024 , 1025 Lacombe, Karine; 146, 637, 706 Lada, Steven; 376 Laeyendecker, Oliver B.; 98, 622 , 217, 622 , 623, 667, 673, 987 Laird, Melissa; 259 Lake, Jordan; 786 Laker-Oketta, Miriam O.; 88, 722 Lal, Allan; 1025 Lal, Asim A.; 898 Lala, Sanjay; 872 Lalani, Tahaniyat; 847 Lalezari, Jay; 147, 417, 434, 545, 688 Lallemant, Marc G.; 863, 863 Lalley-Chareczko, Linden; 975 Lalloo, David; 835, 835 Lam, Linda; 320 Lam, Stephen; 802 Lam, Wan; 802 Lama, Javier R.; 778 Lama, Javier; 567 Lama, Javier R.; 778 Laga, Marie; 72 Lago, Lena; 854 Lai, Ming-tain; 449 Laird, Greg; 427, 427 Laird, Gregory M.; 419 Kwobah, Charles; 57 Kwok, Justin; 1098 Kwong, Peter D.; 170LB – L – La Mar, Melissa; 305, 446 La Rosa, Alberto; 107 Laanani, Moussa; 373 Labbato, Danielle; 137, 745, 925

Lambotte, Olivier; 52, 333 Lamorde, Mohammed; 85LB

Lee, Anthony; 716 Lee, Caroline S.; 426 Lee, Chih-Hao; 235 Lee, Eric; 186, 262 Lee, Eunok; 382 Lee, Fang-Hua; 349 Lee, Frederick J.; 733 Lee, Gary; 434

Lampe, Fiona; 560 Lampiris, Harry; 210 Lancaster, Kathryn E.; 851 Lancaster, Kathryn; 874 Landais, Elise; 259 Landay, Alan; 268, 320, 358, 486, 763, 1050 Landolfi, Stefania; 714 Landovitz, Raphael J.; 20 , 515, 716 Lane, H. Clifford; 77 Langat, Rither; 459 Langer, Robert; 357 Langness, Jacob A.; 81, 518, 652 Langwenya, Nontokozo; 857 Lansky, Amy; 1040, 1115 Laopraynak, Naphassanant; 841

Kopp, Jeffrey; 933 Korber, Bette; 346

Kordelas, Lambros; 431 Korenromp, Eline; 832 Kosakovsky Pond, Sergei L.; 58, 239, 240, 246, 259, 435, 492 Kosalaraksa, Pope; 956 Koshuma, Sifuni; 1086, 1086 Koss, Catherine A.; 887 Kostadinova, Lenche; 684 Kostman, Jay R.; 645 , 376, 645 , 656 Kotler, Donald; 647 Kottilil, Shyam; 148, 653, 681, 683, 689, 692, 694 Kottilil, Shyamasundaran; 695 Kotwani, Prashant; 740 Kouame, Gerard M.; 115LB Koulla-Shiro, Sinata; 782, 782, 793 Koumans, Emilia; 615 Kouokam, J. Calvin; 350 Koup, Richard A.; 49, 50, 167, 394 Kouri, Vivian; 338 Kourtis, Athena P.; 33, 868, 886, 909 Kouyos, Roger; 150, 199, 244, 245, 253, 675 Kovacs, Colin; 271, 448, 465, 467 Kovacs, Joseph A.; 520, 928 Kovari, Helen; 805 Kowadisaiburana, Boonchai; 957, 957

Lee, Guinevere Q.; 633 Lee, Ha Youn; 254 , 254 Lee, Hana; 1073 Lee, Samuel; 687 Lee, Sook-Kyung; 42 Lee, Sulggi A.; 295 , 317 , 428LB Lee, Vincent; 798 Lee, Wingyiu; 189 Leelawiwat, Wanna; 635, 855, 986 Leenasirimakul, Prattana; 511 Leethochawalit, Manoj; 971 Leff, Jared A.; 1113 Lehman, Dara A.; 983 Lei, Quanhong; 876 Leidner, Jean; 870, 871 Leigh Brown, Andrew J.; 236, 249, 253 Lelièvre, Jean-Daniel; 206, 819 Lemee, Veronique; 230, 232 Leng, Sean X.; 783 Lennemann, Tessa; 544 Lennox, Jeffrey L.; 515 Leon, Agathe; 959, 354, 959, 960 Leon, Ngeruka; 1087, 1087 León-Leal, Juan Antonio; 950 Leone, Dominick; 1080 Leone, Sebastiano; 466, 655 Leong, Yew Ann; 358 Leoz, Marie; 230 Lerdlum, Sukalaya; 438 Letendre, Scott; 56 , 58, 435, 436 , 444, 460, 461, 462, 469, 474, 478, 483, 484, 491, 492, 497 Leth, Steffen; 369 Letlhogile, Rona; 810 Leuenberger, David; 103LB Leung, Janice M.; 802 Leurgans, Sue; 486 Leuvennink, Mildie; 995 Levendosky, Keith; 967, 968 Leisegang, Rory F.; 604 Leister, Erin; 801, 882 Leitman, Ellen M.; 362 LeRoith, Derek; 880 Lerolle, Nathalie; 333 Leroy, Valeriane; 512 Lesko, Catherine R.; 578 Letai, Anthony; 411

Lapadula, Giuseppe; 466 Lapasset, Laure; 104LB Lariven, Sylvie; 891 Larsen, Ellen M.; 877 Larsen, Michelle H.; 948 Larsson, Marie; 820 Lascoux-Combe, Caroline; 706 Lassmann, Hans; 814 Lataillade, Max; 114LB , 545 Lattimore, Sam; 662 Lau, Bryan; 996 Laufs, Stephanie; 381 Laughton, Barbara; 912, 926 Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig; 730

Laumann, Edward; 1070 Launay, Odile; 329, 701 Laut, Kamilla G.; 561 Lauw, Fanny N.; 669, 674 Lavandier, Nora; 921 Lavocat, Fabien; 706 Law, Matthew G.; 315 Law, Matthew; 582 Law, Matthew G.; 805

Kowalski, John P.; 401 Kpamou, Cece; 1077 Kraeusslich, Hans-Georg; 381 Krajden, Mel; 697 Krakower, Douglas S.; 972, 1083 Krämer, Benjamin; 678, 679 , 680 Kravietz, Adam; 278 Krebs, Shelly J.; 170LB , 438 Kreider, Edward; 169 Kreitchmann, Regis; 894 Krishnan, Sonya; 302, 302 Krishnan, Supriya; 763 Kristoff, Jan; 268 Kroetz, Deanna; 295 Krogan, Nevan; 171 Kroidl, Arne; 544 Kronborg, Gitte; 316 Kroon, Eugene; 272, 438, 841 Kroon, Max; 34 Kruglov, Yuri; 1042 Krysiak, Robert; 719 Krystal, Mark; 114LB, 539 Krznaric, Ivanka; 671 Ku, Lawrence; 648, 648 Kubo, Michiaki; 295 Kucherer, Claudia; 602 Kuehnert, Denise; 247 Kuhar, David; 1027 Kuhn, Louise; 908, 910, 930, 932 Kuijpers, Taco W.; 935 Kulich, Michal; 629 Kumar, Muniratnam S.; 1016 Kumar, Nitasha A.; 388 Kumar, Parag; 520

Lawler, Leo P.; 732 Lawson, Eileen; 953 Lawton, Mark D.; 961, 961 Lawyer, Glenn; 229 Lazzarin, Adriano; 442, 443, 773 Le, Binh; 1060, 1060 Le, Thoa P.; 943 Le, Thuy; 843 Le Carrou, Jerome; 115LB Le Chenadec, Jérome; 867 Le Coeur, Sophie; 863, 863 Le Moing, Vincent; 727, 727, 793 Le Rouzic, Erwann; 540 Leaf, David; 1049 Leal, Lorna; 959 , 959 , 960 Leal, Manuel; 167

Author Index

Levi, José Eduardo; 856 Levin, Carol; 1111, 1111 Levin, Jonathan B.; 94

Lebaron, Charles; 632LB Lebbink, Robert Jan; 403 Lecci, Fabrizio; 493, 494 Lechenadec, Jerome; 334

Levin, Myron; 917 Levin, Simon; 89 Levine, Andrew; 463, 464 , 493 Levine, Bruce; 402 Levine, Calley; 647 Levine, Kenneth; 972 Levy, Claire; 366 Levy, David N; 426 Levy, Jeremy; 794, 798 Lévy, Yves; 206, 337, 353, 819

Lecher, Shirley; 1082 LeCiel, Cosette; 897 Lecuroux, Camille; 333 Ledergerber, Bruno; 805, 1008 lederman, michael; 298LB Lederman, Michael M; 308, 337, 738, 763 Ledwaba, Johanna; 908

Lambers, Femke A.; 674 Lambert, Caroline; 237 Lambert, John S.; 732


CROI 2015

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