CROI 2015 Program and Abstracts

Author Index

Micci, Luca; 168 Michael, Denna; 583 Michael, Nelson L.; 47, 48, 50, 51, 166, 170LB, 841 Michael, Starnbach; 357 Michael, Yvonne; 890 Michelow, Pam; 89 Mida, Jose M.; 827LB Middel, Ananja; 549 Mielke, Michelle; 497 Mikre, Meriam; 665 Milani, Karine; 318 Milanini, Benedetta; 495 Milazzo, Laura; 705 Miller, Andrew D.; 753 Miller, Caitlin; 222 Miller, Christopher; 267, 270, 547, 548 Miller, Elizabeth A.; 284 Miller, Eric; 489, 490, 494 Miller, Michael D.; 449 , 530, 605, 952 Michaels, Stuart; 1006, 1070 Michel, Marie-Louise; 701

Mofenson, Lynne; 31LB, 36, 894, 920, 933, 939 Mofolo, Innocent; 874 Moh, Raoul; 115LB, 544 Mohamed, Mona; 482 Mohanakrishnan, Janardhanan; 704 Mohr, Erika; 829 Moir, Susan; 340 Moisi, Daniela; 251, 591 Molina, Jean-Michel; 23LB , 113LB, 146 Mollan, Katie; 948 Molsberry, Samantha A.; 463, 493 , 494 Molteni, Chiara; 765 Moltó, José; 964 Momplaisir, Florence; 890 Money, Deborah; 881, 901 Mongwenyana, Constance; 1091 Monroe, Anne; 489 , 1065 Montaner, Julio; 117, 157, 802, 1023, 1055 Montaner, Luis J.; 367, 376, 975 Montange, Thomas; 334 Montebello, Sandra; 1010 Montefiori, David; 221, 346, 904 Monteiro, Polyana; 733 Montezuma-Rusca, Jairo Mauricio; 340 Montgomery, Nathan; 719 Monus Arias, Isa; 202, 202 Moodley, Amber; 359 Moodley, Pravi; 92 Moore, David J.; 436, 464 Moore, David; 481 Moore, David J.; 483, 484 Moore, David; 1023 , 1024, 1025 Moore, Richard; 726, 1104 Moore, Richard D.; 748 Moore, Richard; 580 Moore, Richard D.; 623 Moore, Richard; 638, 726, 733 Moore, Richard D.; 748 Moore, Richard; 749LB, 1019LB, 1065, 1104 Moorthy, Ganesh; 975 Mora, Stefano; 765 Morales-Miranda, Sonia; 1032 Morgan, Ethan; 1006, 1070 Morgan, Timothy; 151LB Morgand, Marion; 345 Morgello, Susan; 492, 498 Mori, Masahiko; 275 , 276 , 921 Morin, Mylène; 351 Morlat, Philippe; 142, 742 Morón-López, Sara; 414, 432 Morrell, Craig N.; 476 Morris, Alison; 490 Morris, Danielle D.; 1103 Morris, Lynn; 908 Morris, Sheldon; 300, 304, 300, 304, 330 Morris, Sheldon R.; 1020 Morrison, Charles S.; 622, 622 Morse, Caryn; 485 Moranne, Olivier; 142, 742 Morawski, Bozena; 838, 838 Moreau, Kerrie; 859, 859 Moreno, Santiago; 266, 579, 918

Mosbah, Amor; 213 Moscoe, Ellen; 1110, 1110 Mosepele, Mosepele; 734 Moser, Carlee; 140 Moser, Kathleen S.; 828LB

Murphy, Robert L.; 140 Murray, Lyle W.; 818 Murrell, Ben; 259 , 491, 496 Murry, Jeff; 417 Murugavel, Kailapuri G; 704 Muscatello, Antonio; 466 Mushiroda, Taisei; 295 Musiime, Victor; 927, 951 Musinguzi, Nicholas; 556, 976 Musoro, Godfrey; 457 Mussana, Helen; 457 Musselwhite, Laura W.; 308 Mussini, Cristina; 562 Musubire, Abdu; 836, 838, 836, 838 Musumeci, Giuseppina; 773 Mutabaruka, Alphonse; 1087, 1087 Mutabazi, Vincent; 700 Mutevedzi, Tinofa; 896, 1102 Mutimura, Eugene; 780 , 780 Muyinda, Abdu-Maliki; 1039 Muzaale, Abimereki D.; 783 Muzoora, Conrad; 722 Mvula, Natasha Z.; 1078 Mwamzuka, Mussa; 278 Mwanahamuntu, Mulindi; 710 Mwangwa, Florence; 740 Mwimanzi, Francis; 228 Mwimanzi, Philip; 536 Myburgh, Renier; 104LB Myer, Landon; 26LB, 34, 864 , 857, 864 , 888 Myers, Julie; 1001 Mwebaza, Norah; 513 Mweemba, Aggrey; 457 Mwelase, Thando; 778, 778 Mylvaganam, Geetha H.; 370 Mzembe, Themba; 816LB, 885 Mziray, Hawa; 1086, 1086 – N – Nabeta, Henry W.; 836, 573, 826, 836 Naggie, Susanna; 152LB , 750, 750 Naicker, Nivashnee; 984 Naidoo, Anushka; 984 Naidu, Kevindra K.; 1110, 159, 1110 Myers, Robert A.; 613 Myers, Timothy; 311

Moses, Agnes; 719 Moses, Samual; 618 Moshiro, Candida; 1076 Moss, Darren M.; 519 Motloung, Ming-Han; 581 Moulton, Larry; 374 Mounzer, Karam; 376, 975 Mourez, Thomas; 232 Mousseau, Guillaume; 413 Moy, Carolyn; 658, 668 Moya, Andrés; 266 Moyo, Faith; 781, 781 Moyo, Sikhulile; 247, 630 , 871, 990 Møller, Holger Jon; 316 Mpendo, Juliet; 1038 Mpoudi-Ngole, Eitel; 231 Msweli, Sthembiso; 256, 256 Mtande, Tiwonge; 874 Mthiyane, Hloniphile; 603 Mthiyane, Thuli; 92 Mu, Weiwei; 56 mudd, joseph C.; 298LB Muddiman, David C.; 535, 535 Mudrikova, Tania; 243 Muenchhoff, Maximilian; 921 Mugusi, Ferdinand; 606, 809 Mugwaneza, Placidie; 865, 865 Mugwanya, Kenneth K.; 981 Mugyenyi, Peter; 552, 595, 941 Muhammad, Mukhtar Y.; 558 Muir, Andrew; 688 Mujugira, Andrew; 988, 989 Mujuwisha, Louis; 700 Mukarugwiro, Beata; 1087, 1087 Mukherjee, Pranab K.; 844 Mukim, Amey; 407 Mukisa, Gerald; 1067 Muktiarti, Dina; 915 Mukui, Irene; 32, 153, 625, 624, 625, 1079 Mulawa, Dominic; 885 Mulenga, Lloyd; 808 Mullen, Michael; 90 Müllhaupt, Beat; 150 Mullins, James; 55LB, 107 Mullis, Caroline E.; 673 Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study, Neuropyschology Working Group O.; 493 Munamunungu, Virginia; 808 Munch, Jan; 208 Munderi, Paula; 94 Münk, Carsten; 849 Munro, Cynthia A.; 463, 493, 494 Murakami-Ogasawara, Akio; 264, 265 Murillo, Wendy; 607 Murnane, Pamela; 290 Murphy, Gary; 626, 618 , 626, 1042 Mufamadi, Grace; 830 Muganzi, Davis C.; 976 Mugavero, Michael J.; 578, 1004, 1005 Mugo, Nelly; 24, 290, 980, 981, 983

Miller, Scott C.; 536 Miller, Tracie L.; 931 Miller, William C.; 851, 886 Millet, Joan-Pau; 827LB

Milligan, Caitlin; 162 , 906 Milligan, Michael G.; 718 Milling, Jacob; 542 Mills, Claire; 760 Mills, Edward; 157 , 1109 Mimiaga, Matthew; 804, 972, 1005

Minemo, Junichi; 402 Minkoff, Howard; 792 Miralles, Pilar; 657 Miranda, Milene; 190 Mirani, Gayatri; 917

Mirembe, Grace; 37, 927 Miro, Jose M.; 837, 837 Miro, Jose M; 640 Mirochnick, Mark; 892, 894 Mirza, Ayesha; 954 Misra, Vikas; 498 Mitchell, Brenda; 1067 Mitchell, Brooks I.; 754, 796 Mitchell, Caroline; 107 Mitchell, James; 962 Mitchnick, Mark; 992LB Mitsuya, Hiroaki; 537, 585 Mitsuyasu, Ronald T.; 434 Miura, Toshiyuki; 227, 275, 276 Miyahara, Reiko; 275, 276 Miyaji, Karina T.; 318 Miyamasu, Misato; 281 Mlanga, Erick; 1086, 1086 Mlaudzi, Naledi M.; 990 Mlisana, Koleka; 92

Nair, Govind; 485 Nair, Kavita; 652 Nakagawa, Fumiyo; 1117 Nakalema, Shadia; 85LB, 1067 Nakamoto, Beau K.; 754 Nakanjako, Damalie; 322

Author Index

Nakasujja, Noeline; 452, 453, 454, 458 Nakigozi, Gertrude; 452, 453, 454, 458 Nakiyingi-Miiro, Jessica; 161 NALINTYA, ELIZABETH K.; 573 Nalivaika, Ellen; 42 Nalugoda, Fred; 28, 30, 1084, 1088, 158, 321, 1036, 1084, 1085, 1088 Nalutaaya, Annet; 1038 Namagembe, Rosemary; 459

Mmalane, Mompati; 871, 878 Mmbando, Donan; 570, 1076 Mncube, Busi; 829 Mocello, A. Rain; 88, 722 Mock, Philip; 971 Mocroft, Amanda; 142 , 561, 582, 637 , 742, 766 Moecklinghoff, Christiane; 551 Moesker, Bastiaan; 408 Moestrup, Søren; 316

Namakula, Rhoda; 817 Namkung, Yuree; 627 Nankya, Immaculate; 215, 595 Napravnik, Sonia; 580 Naqvi, Alissa; 650 Naranbhai, Vivek; 987

Morse, Gene D.; 517, 542 Mortier, Emmanuel; 373 Morton, Jennifer; 969 Morwabe, Alex; 625, 624, 625

Murphy, James R.; 922 Murphy, Kerry; 858, 858


CROI 2015

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