Application #1 Neil & Carol Abrams – 3661 Dijon Way Description of Request:

Interior renovation with several door/window modifications

Discussion/ Comments:

The application was submitted without being signed by a licensed architect. Mrs. Krall made a motion “to approve the ARB Application submitted by Mr. & Mrs. Abrams, subject to a revised application signed by a licensed architect.” Mr. Schultz seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. A letter will be sent to the homeowners of the ARB decision for a revised application. (A call was made to Mr. Brian McCarron requesting a revised application). Update: 10/10/18-Brian McCarron provided via email a new application and backup. (see attached). Jeff Ornstein to review and provide a final report. Full interior renovation of the home, addition of a gazebo in the back with a bath and summer kitchen. New paint color scheme, and upgraded landscaping There were no renderings submitted which showed the view of the gazebo structure from adjacent properties. Without renderings the ARB felt it was difficult to visualize. Mrs. Krall made a motion “to deny the application based on no full-color renderings showing views from adjacent property.” Mr. Luskin seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. A letter will be sent to the homeowners of the ARB decision denying the application. Application was deferred to the October meeting upon receipt of full-color renderings. Update: 10/10/18-Architect still working on obtaining renderings. There was a question regarding whether or not this home was owned under the LLC and Mr. Brett Handler, who was representing Mr. William Handler in this matter, stated that it was under the LLC. The ARB then requested additional information as to the owners of the LLC and the designated user of this property. Mr. Adler made a motion “to approve the application by William Handler as submitted, subject to receiving a letter informing the ARB of the owners of the LLC and the designated user of the property.” Mrs. Krall seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Staff will follow-up with Mr. Brett Handler for receipt of the letter. Update: 10/9/18-Received letter from Mr. Handler regarding ownership/designated user. See attached 89/100 Demo existing residence and build new residence


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Application #2 Beth Bronner and Alan Singer – 13860 Degas Drive East Description of Request:

Discussion/ Comments:


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Application #3 William Handler – 13693 Rivoli Drive Description of Request:

Discussion/ Comments:


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