Prevo Health Solutions, Inc. a Purpose-Driven Sustainable Growth Company , has developed proprietary industry standards, proprietary algorithms and reporting for the sole purpose of evaluating and recognizing private clubs to achieve the status of America’s Healthiest Clubs™ or America’s Greenest Clubs™ . A distinction reserved for clubs that have implemented practices that are good for people, the planet and the community in which the club resides. Since 2012, Prevo Health has evolved from a “Wellness” company to “Sustainability” company, where sustainability in the private club industry is defined as; meeting the needs of the current membership without compromising the ability to attract prospective members to meet their own needs. Prevo Health Solutions mission is to help clubs define their purpose, enhance the club’s brand/image and co-author/promote your club’s newsworthy stories that stem from being mindful of the Brand, the Business, People, the Planet and the Community. Unlike other “Green” certifications, Prevo focuses on the impact being green has on relevancy, recruitment and retention of both members and staff. People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. The why; to do the right thing, be relevant to current and prospective members and to develop a purpose driven culture that provides a member experience that is so compelling it retains the current membership longer.  We believe most clubs want to be known as the Club of Choice, a Great Employer and a Good Neighbor.  We believe the club approved Strategic Plan and the Operating Plan should be in sync and when done properly. The relationship between the GM and the Board/Committees will improve, which will in-turn reduce management turnover and by default lead to collaborative governance that helps create a culture that is driven by purpose.  We believe the primary reason private clubs should be more mindful of defining the club’s purpose is it addresses the three R’s of sustainability; Relevancy, Recruitment and Retention.  We believe sustainability of the private club industry will depend on the collective club industry’s ability to communicate the clubs’ culture that is both diverse and relevant, to both current and prospective members.  We believe sharing news-worthy stories that speak to the club’s “goodwill” is one of the best ways to recruit and retain members, and the “right” staff, to join and belong to a private club.  We believe the private club industry is facing “never-been-seen-before” social, technological, geo-political and economic movements, all of which may dramatically impact the club industry in a negative way for decades to come unless without we do something today to prevent it.  We believe the club industry is in a major transitional period, where aging baby-boomers are being replaced by millennials, and babies of the baby-boomers have yet to embrace the private club model. Many, especially the millennials need to hear what the club’s purpose is, or they may not ever join.  We believe the club industry needs someone to champion and publish the positive stories, so all generations understand the value of belonging to a private club. We believe Prevo is the 39/100 OUR BELIEFS

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