informed leader to manage the Green initiatives. Her name is Malvika Goswami and she has been given the title of the Green Queen.

Additionally, the club has tasked Pamela Rudd with spearheading a project to collect, organize and create a media package to inform the members of the wonderful and self-less things the club does. In the corporate world, this is known as a Corporate Social Responsibility Report. In the club world, we like to refer to the deliverable as a Club Culture Report™. What makes Frenchman’s Creek unique is the they are not boastful and do good things because it is the right thing to do. Publicity and recognition are not driving the initiatives.

Achal has board level support to continue to pursue green initiatives and is a leader amongst his peers nationwide and more specifically in the Palm Beach/Boca area.

When it comes to the environment, the community and the staff, Frenchman’s Creek Beach & Country Club leadership believes in “doing the right thing”. The Club’s investment in eco-friendly initiatives has helped build brand equity, reduce operating costs and has helped shape the club’s culture. The return on investment for the club can be measured in many ways from the impact on the Carbon Footprint, the bottom-line and the brand. Frenchman’s Creek has earned a reputation of being purpose-driven, which in-turn, attracts purpose-driven prospects and potential employees. Frenchman’s Creek Beach & Country Club, an early adopter and innovator, is one of the first private club in the country to receive the designation as one of America’s Greenest Clubs™. Frenchman’s Creek Beach & Country Club has also been recognized as one of America’s Healthiest Clubs, and a Distinguished Club.

Summary of what Marketing & Communications does well  Has executive leadership support from Board  Collaborative Governance  Recruits and hires talented and passionate staff  Invests in leadership education  Strong Department Head support  Proactive, yet subtle media and public relations strategy 

Club is not boastful and distributes minimal content to the press and local media, even though the Club receives a significant amount of free press and media coverage

Opportunities for improvement  Consider modifying the club’s mission and vision statement to include reference to purpose, sustainability and eco-friendly initiatives.  Link goals, objectives, strategies and action items directly to the Club’s Strategic Plan.  Establish measurable goals and metrics  Include the Club Culture Report™ and all reference to purpose in the interviewing process  Collaborate with HR to educate the staff on the green initiatives.  Include the purpose driven message to Realtors using the Mobile App

Specific Observations of what is in-place or in-process 1. Strategy & Vision

a) Club’s Green Vision is well thought out and integrated into each and every department and is currently embraced by all departments all reflecting various stages of 68/100

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