implementation. Green Vision is led by Achal Goswami, but with high level support from the Board, Committees and Membership. b) Club’s Vision and Mission Statement does not include verbiage that speaks to being environmentally friendly. c) Club has an informal Green Strategy. d) Department heads do not have formal Green Strategies or specific action plans.

e) Club does not measure the financial or social impact of green initiatives f) Club does not link specific green action items to the Strategic Plan g) Club does not have a formal budget allocated to Green initiatives h) Club has recently formed a Green Committee led by Malvika Goswami. i) Green initiatives are evaluated and funded based on their merit.

2) People, Team & Resources a. Club’s Green initiatives functions under the leadership of someone who has not been formally trained or certified as a Green expert, but has the support from the board and department heads to spearhead the green strategy. b. Department heads are beginning to align their respective departmental visions around the club’s strategic vision and mission as part of the mantra of becoming the club and employer of choice. c. Club has surveyed the members regarding the club's Green Strategy in the last 24 months. d. Club has a designated person in administration that is responsible for the Green initiatives. e. Club rewards the staff for eco-friendly suggestions. 1. Modify the Vision and Mission Statement. Review and discuss the Mission and Vision Statement with the board. Include verbiage that speaks to the club’s “Green” vision. Start every team meeting by reading the Vision and Mission statement to help reinforce the message of Health & Green initiatives, Recreation and Longevity etc. 2. Participate on the Green Committee comprised of both staff and members. The purpose of this group is to evaluate every aspect of the club and question the relevancy and impact it has on the long-term sustainability of the club. Task-Force should prepare and present recommended priorities as they relate to the Strategic Plan. Sustainability categories include; Financial Sustainability, Membership Sustainability and Cultural Sustainability. 3. Distribute periodic “news-worthy” releases to local traditional media influencers (TV, Radio, Print), social media sites, real-estate agents, vendors and local service providers. 4. Inform the members. Create a Club Culture Report™ (CCR) that captures the essence of what the club represents i.e. their purpose and the why. Most Fortune 500 companies issue a similar document known as a Corporate Social Responsibility Report (CSR) and it is used both internally and externally as a recruitment and retention strategy for both members and staff. 5. Enhance Membership Marketing. Many prospective members make purchasing decisions which are based on purpose. That said, we recommend inserting the CCR and other club communications that speak to the green initiatives in the membership marketing packet 6. Improve Staff Recruiting. Millennials are purpose driven and concerned about the planet.



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