THREE DRIVERS: VISION, ALIGNMENT & EXECUTION Every Club offers components of Green initiatives, regardless of their size, stature or type of club. Unfortunately, there are numerous definitions of what Going Green means. The question is; Does the club have a strategic plan that links to the operating plan, one that identifies measurable goals, timelines, budgets and a clearly defined vision? Are the department heads in alignment with the vision and most importantly is there an execution plan to achieve and measure progress toward achieving the vision? To help put things in perspective, we have developed a quantifiable Green Score™ and accompanying Green Report™ which offers the club recommendations and best-practices to help guide the club towards defining and executing the overall Green initiatives objectives by department. The three drivers include VISION, ALIGNMENT and EXECUTION. According to Simon Sinek, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”. Do you know your WHY? Click here to learn more about Simon Simek’s “How Great Leaders Inspire Action – The “Why”.


Driver number one: Top level management support is critical to the success of any Green strategy, and this applies to all clubs, whether you are member owned, residential community, part of a management company or are for-profit. Green initiatives strategies must be clear, concise and measurable. Developing the vision requires department heads (subject matter experts) to collaborate and share ideas as a team, all working toward a common goal, the Vision.


Driver number two: Department heads should have their own Green initiatives objectives as part of the overall Vision. Each department should be aligned with the overall vision and work together as a team to create a synergistic and cohesive Green initiatives initiative. Individual departments should track the key metrics from which the club can evaluate the “return on investment “and the “return on relationship”.

Leaders build alignment by communicating with clarity, engaging in dialogue, and providing inspiration, so everyone is moving in the same direction.


Driver number three: Leaders need to champion execution through momentum, structure and feedback. The Green Report™ is a living, breathing strategy that ebbs and flows. Changing demographics, competition and consumer awareness all contribute to your club’s ability to attract and retain the best staff and recruit the right type of member. This report provides the club with specific recommendations and best-practices, by department as a guide from which your club can further refine the Green Vision.


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