LAB #2(41) 2008


Фото Benny Chan текст анна ленгле

Возвышающийся на вершине хребта Голливудских хол- мов, но не похожий на воплощение американской меч- ты, этот дом занял неудобное для строительства мес- то. Использование плюсов местоположения и попытка обойти минусы, пространственные отношения между зданием и окружением стали главным направлением в поиске архитектурного образа. Природные характерис- тики участка исключают плавный переход, но благода- ря композиционному принципу, силуэту и деталям ав- торам удалось достичь гармонии с пейзажем.

BELZBERG ARCHITECTS _ UNDER HOLLY- WOOD SKIES | Photo Benny Chan | Text Anna Lengle | Perched atop a ridgeline in the Hollywood hills, but not looking like the American dream, this house was placed on a site presenting a challenge in terms of constructability. Making use of the site advantages together with trying to get round its disadvantages, and the spatial relation between the building and its surroundings were the main directions in developing the architectural image of the building. The site’s natural characteristics exclude a possibility for a smooth transition, but thanks to the composition, the silhouette and details the authors managed to achieve harmony with the landscape. A thin strip of land between two steep slopes where the foundation of the house rests defined its main feature; the building is extended along the horizon, for which it has received its name, Skyline. This horizontal movement is emphasized by the resi- dence being divided into two buildings placed next to each other and linked with a single architectural approach – the owners’ private area and a guest area separated into another building. In the times of poor ecology it is particularly impor- tant to treat the given site with care and maintain its natural identity. Refusing to sacrifice beauty or the budget, the architects tried to create an environmentally sensitive building, sensitive to its surroundings and climatic conditions. One of the tasks the authors set was to protect the building from direct sunlight that it stands open to at all sides, but to provide maximum day-lighting. In order to


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