All the Men 1965


lnterfraternity Council ... Bob Guiltinan (ADG), Bob Ramos (PIKE),Joe Martinez (ADG), IFC President, Jim McGreevy (PKT), Fred Carbone (PIKE), Bob Connell (PKT).

The inter-Fraternity Council has done much this past year in reaching its goal of unifying the fraternity men on campus. Each man takes great pride in his fraternity · but in so doing he must not neglect his foremost allegiance ... The University of San Diego. In promot– ing this co-operation among the fraternities the IFC has successfully sponsored such activities as the IFC Boat Dance, the IFC Dance at the Lark, and the co-ordination of Greek Week activities. Under the leadership of Rob– ert Ramos and Jim McGreevy this group has done a commendable job.

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