Annual Report 2017-2018


All of the homes we have built or renovated since 2009 have been Earth Craft certified and meet Energy-Star efficiency standards, demonstrating a long-term commitment to exceed the average Building Code requirements.

A safe, decent, vaccine... affordable home is like a

“A safe, decent, affordable home is like a vaccine,” Dr. Megan Sandel of the Boston University School of Medicine testified to Congress in 2007. “It literally prevents disease. A safe home can prevent mental health and developmental problems, a decent home may prevent asthma or lead poisoning, and an affordable home can prevent stunted growth and unnecessary hospitalizations.” Poor housing conditions contribute to asthma and other physical illnesses. A national survey of Habitat homeowners found that 74% said their families’ health had improved since moving into their home. “Quality construction is paramount because it keeps the rising costs of operating a house down for the families we serve, increases home values, and improves the communities in which we build.” said Brian Clark, Construction Director, Habitat Roanoke. “All families deserve efficient, quality housing—Habitat families included. Each home reflects a unique partnership between families, neighbors, volunteers, and donors all joining together to support Habitat’s goal of building strong families and healthy communities.”

—Dr. Megan Sandel

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