Cap Gemini - Registration Document 2016


3.1 Our approach

Alignment with stakeholders expectations: scope and materiality 3.1.3

In order to ensure that our People and Corporate Social sustainability aspects and issues was first undertaken in 2014 and stakeholder expectations, an analysis of the relative importance of Responsibility strategy and actions remain aligned with

regular institutional meetings. stakeholder interviews together with desk research and input from assessment, is the result of a range of internal and external reviewed in 2015 and 2016. This analysis, or materiality

Materiality matrix Highest

Ethical Behavior

Reduction of our Carbon Footprint

Human Rights


Talent engagement and Retention

Climate change

Information security and Data Protection

Client Satisfaction

Supporting Clients with CR&S Challenges

Talent and Skills

Energy Security

Women’s Empowerment

Training and Development

Digital inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion

Education in Communities

Materiality of issues to our stakeholders


Materiality of issues to Capgemini

Value and Ethics

Environmental Sustainability

Community Engagement

Diversity & Inclusion

Client Serves

business and relate in particular to diversity of talent and employee impact on our ecosystem through digital challenges. engagement, to mitigating our environmental impact and to our including explanations for indicators on which we do not report. Commercial Code) indicators are listed in the table in section 3.6, All Grenelle II (legislation: article R.225-105-1 of the French 15 indicators are considered to be the most relevant to our As a result of our materiality assessment and on-going analysis,

Group Ethics & Compliance program 3.1.4

them. and to complete an online training course (e-learning) on each of the principles embedded in these three fundamental documents, in which we operate. All employees are expected to comply with Competition Laws Policy, to reassert our Values in every country Code of Business Ethics, Group Anti-Corruption Policy and Group global network of Ethics & Compliance Officers and launched a Employee Survey shows that our employees’ engagement is attract, develop and retain employees. The Company-wide Group strong ethical culture, the Ethics & Compliance Program helps to strongly linked to belonging to a Group with an ethical culture. In addition to demonstrating the Group’s deep-rooted Values and creation in 1967. As part of this program, the Group set up a ethical culture that has been a core part of the Group since its The Group Board of Directors of Cap Gemini S.A. launched our Ethics & Compliance Program in 2009 to further strengthen the

“Champions League”, i.e., among the leaders in our industry. helps us win new business and allows us to take our place in the Creating an ethical environment also strengthens our reputation, Ethics & compliance organization and network accountable for ethics and compliance in their respective units. The managers of the Group’s operating units (SBUs/BUs) are They are also responsible for driving the Ethics & Compliance procedures. program in accordance with the local laws, regulations and the Ethics & Compliance program across the entire Group. The Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer (CECO) is responsible for annually (see section 2.24). reviews the Ethics & Compliance program and its achievements The Ethics and Governance Committee of the Board of Directors


Registration Document 2016 — Capgemini

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