Cap Gemini - Registration Document 2016


3.5 Our People, Social & Sustainability commitments and recognitions

Our People, Social & Sustainability 3.5 commitments and recognitions

Each year, Capgemini is recognized by independent research agencies, sustainability analysts and industry partners as a leader in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability at both a Group level and across our different geographies. These awards and recognitions inspire us to think bigger, reach higher and be bolder with our Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability program.

Our Commitments For Capgemini, our commitment to CSR & Sustainability extends beyond strict legal compliance, we have made public various commitments in a number of areas: Capgemini CEO Paul Hermelin signed the Business Proposals for COP 21 in support of the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2015; Capgemini has been a signatory to the UN Global Compact ◗ since 2004. The member companies of this program Capgemini supports the principles of the 1948 Universal ◗ Declaration of Human Rights and the fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) refusing the use of forced labor or child labor; Capgemini supports the OECD guidelines for multinational ◗ enterprises; Capgemini has been a signatory to the UN Global Compact’s ◗ “Caring for Climate” initiative since its inception in 2007; Capgemini has been a signatory to the Women’s Empowerment ◗ Principles since their inception in 2011; and Capgemini is a signatory of the 2010 Guadalajara ICT ◗ Declaration on Transformative Low-carbon Solutions. This document urged governments at the 2010 Cancun Summit to use the power of ICT to make the transition to low a carbon economy. support/comply with ten principles in the areas of the environment, human rights, labor rights, and the fight against corruption;

A number of important commitments have also been made in certain countries, including: In France, where we: implemented a carbon off-setting program during COP 21; ◗ became a member of the “ Grande École du Numérique ” in ◗ 2016; signed a number of business commitments; Charte de la ◗ diversité in 2006; the Charte de la banlieue 2.0 in 2010; the Charte de la parentalité and Charte de l’apprentissage in 2011; and the Charte Entreprises et Quartiers avec le Ministère Délégué à la Ville in 2013. In the UK, where we: became the first IT services and consulting company to publish ◗ approved science-based targets consistent with the COP 21 2015 Paris Agreement to keep temperatures below the 2°C threshold; signed a series of six communiqués on Climate Change ◗ organized by the Prince of Wales’s Corporate Leaders’ Group on Climate Change. They are the Trillion Tonne (2014), Climate Change (2012); etc.; registered our support for the “Think Act report” initiative, a ◗ voluntary framework developed by the UK Government with the aim of promoting gender equality within the workplace. In Germany, where we: signed the Charta der Vielfalt (the Diversity Charter) in ◗ October 2014. In the Netherlands, where we: committed to MJA3, which is the third Energy Efficiency Plan ◗ (2017-2020) with ambitious targets and innovative energy efficiency measures. This is public/private collaboration program aiming for more effective and efficient energy use.


Registration Document 2016 — Capgemini

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