Cap Gemini - Registration Document 2016


1.4 The market and the competitive environment

According to Gartner, CEOs expect 46% of revenue from digital Nearly 70% of marketers expect most of their marketing decisions new focus on marketing dependence on analytics and data. digital marketing and customer experience. This also creates a sales and channels by 2019, up from 30% – driving the focus on term. to be driven quantitatively (i.e., via data and analytics) in the near phenomenon, which reflects the on-request shared use of The Cloud computing initiatives continue in full force. This field and its business process expertise, the Capgemini Group is Thanks to its strong positioning in the infrastructure management initiated by major players such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft. services and infrastructures between several public users, was economic models brought about by this new way of using IT particularly well placed to benefit from the transformation of the demand.” software license fees to incremental fees and “services on progressive shift within delivery from traditional services and services and resources. There is and continues to be a The next generation of data also continues to accelerate around Companies in certain sectors – the consumer goods sector, for wide range of connected sensors in use by many industries. equipment (computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.) and due to the the world, both as a result of consumers using various forms of

example – are seeing the potential value to be gained from such computing solutions available. their consumers and the “real-time” data analytics and cognitive projects designed to harness more of the value represented by data, and are investing substantial resources into ground-breaking the challenges presented by Big Data and what opportunities it 2016 saw an upsurge in the general awareness of our clients of interaction models as well as developing innovative new service implementing new technology platforms capitalizing on client demand for these services, aimed at experimenting with and represents for their industries. We expect significant growth in has remained committed to helping our clients achieve better new digitization strategies are implemented, the Capgemini Group numbers, mobility is further embedded across the enterprise and applications and data are moving to the cloud in increasing infrastructure and maintenance costs all while remaining protected disruptive strategies, increased productivity and reduced digital trust and security to unlock the benefits of new and Cybersecurity awareness across all sectors. As our clients’ As with all of these new trends, there was an increase in offerings.


in the digital landscape of tomorrow.


Registration Document 2016 — Capgemini

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