News Scrapbook 1970-1972

aking of Mediocrity---A Downgrading of the University t::t GE HEBER l.os ~ngtlts ~imei t I p1n1on Interpretation Perspective; 'ews in Review Editorials SECTION H SUNDAY, DEC. 19, 1971 ''In higher education-a3 in every other area of govem- m,mt-th,, prople have a right to expect a full day's work and " full rPturn on thPir dollars. "II' hn1, thp tax burden becoml'3 intolerable, the people also hat·e ,, right to expert that those charged tdth operating higher education tcill practice economy wherever they can." -Gov, Reagan, Sept. 26, 196D


thP prn pelity nf the lhC' P W{)lll timP, research support offe1ed el cwhere. * tafe. ·one nf

Times drawing b7 Pete BentovoJa

a 1e To Conquer Azusa, 41-31 University of San Diego stormed back from a 31-14 defi- cit with a 27-point fourth quar- 1 ter yesterday to defeat Azusa Pacific, 41-31, in a wild home- coming game for the Toreros ml Balboa Stadium. Quarterback Gene Guerra, returning after a month's ab- sence due to an injury, passed for three TDs and scored two others including a four-yard dash V:.ith 4·47 left in the game that proved to be the deciding score. I Guerra passed 10 yards to I Roger Leonard and Allen Lee went one yard for USD tallies in the first period sandwiched around a six-pointer by the vis- itors. However, the Cougars . cored twice in the second quarter for a 21-14 halftime lead. Azusa added a third-period field goal and a fourth-quarter TD before the Toreros started back. Guerra ran 19 yards for one score, passed 32 yards to Bill Yavorsky for another, scored the decider on the four-yard plunge, then cemented the win by combining with John Boone on a 55-yard aerial TD. Three pass interceptions and a fumble recovery set up the final four scores. USO, now 34, ends the season at Loyola in Los Angeles next Saturday. Yesterday's loss gives Awsa

I z./ z,f 11

Bishop Maher to fly between Guadalupe observances in diocese Southern Cross Reporter OBSERVANCE of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Dee. 12, _will a 40--minute flight to the Imperial county airport in El Centro. He will concelebra te a Spanish Mass at 3 p.m. i_n



) ,



•• "'" 'tha• ~evervone in socle- Reprcsentat1ves ?f g~ve;ci\ (~~ust view his role a.; c:ti- ment. business, cn\lrc a . 11 )en not merely producer d ti on in San Diego w1. z , , e ca . . . Tues-,and profit-maKer. partic.tpate oegu1mn~ ·e CER.f.LD FOX, DIBECTOJ. day L-1 a two-p~ co gere~:\,. f Environmental Education a1 ned at deve.opm \ 0 • • s D1e"o s~nclards for ~oeiety io fol- Cl_ellaringho~!\oo-i~ator {or l v in trying to save the en- w1 serve O • 01 • the conference. . . • vironmen,. . t In ·Jie i'rst sess::or,, :\O\. "1\;wards an Env1ro!'men · anel ~emoers v.i.11 be "I Ethic" will meet ::s;ov. 17D 17, J)Fran'K A,, brev Depart- " ' 7 ()·4" pm. r. .,, · er and 2·1 from to ; ;:, : t of B;omgy, ;:,an D.e"o at the Fir!t limtanan fil!re· Rev.-John Cla=k, Fir~ Church 4170 nont St., San U 't;rian Churc!i; ' Frecnc Diego. , It is sp.?nsor_ed by I1l attorney; R;,;vti l\:on- Universlty of Canforma_ E:-_c- ~ennLevens, Tifereth Israel tension and the publlc .is S ~a"o-:ue· Gordon L"'ce, urged to attend. A $9 admlS- . t~;idcnt, 'Sa.."l Diego. Fcd- sion fee will be charged for p al· Rev. George KcKinney, I the, two sess:ons. . ' ft. Stephen's Churc~ o~ God The con1erence denved •n Christ· Lance Mui!e., tu- bct. its title and perspec- .~ent, &;.~ Diego State; Dr. tive from a state:nen~ on I Robert O'Brie.n, Depar.:n:e;;t ecology by . Gov: ?-;elsoi: ~f Geography, Sa~ Dw,,o Rockefell m his rec~Jk State; R. Dems Ric', PU_?· "-oo'· "We C:m Saye Our En- lie ,.elafvt:; rur.ector, Sm w "• , ""a" ''ook .. .. d E' " ·c ~--io · ,y;ronment." .r.. "'' • D:ego Gas an ,e~,n :: Rockefeller states: =""',.......ON Jack Walsh, saperviso;, ~ff "T ;: E • "EW' .,,_., = .' Die"O County, and Pe,c ,1 · mental ethic rests~. mor~o,- son~ state a,semblvman. er on the assurnp.ion tnat p • ·EL )lE)IBERS FCi. · 1 l rnav not •"-• • teC:-u70 ogy_ a one .. •. _ I' the second mzetmg on • •· provide tae answe,_: !Cl, !:'. 24 will be Dr. Jack R r "i· o;- even most of Ou. tec~li~l- <'1aw. Departmen: or. b.o,og), cal problems. For ec ,: , f c: , crr.; the ogy tends to the pubhd ie- ev' P ·'r Clark 7\layor 'ran" rr~and- often st1;n_ulate 1- Cur~;~ · John 'Donaldson of '.hard . sell advcrt1smg. I m' Lynch Pierce, Fen- long as ,consumers expe~t. ~:r,rr & , Smith: 'Willard Jol'm• goods ;o ba_ produced _at ih e I retired foo and popu- lowest poss1):>le cost, Jf ai fit1on authority; l).P .T:irj- lar"est pos5.lble (lUan Y, Lini! uis.+ All Saint... 1.a 1 - iheo .greatest :possible conve- -:-nnurch· ' Jame.; 1lills, nicnce, without regard to en- !fa•a senator'. Bar'bara Neu- vironrnental consequen~es, ' teacilet· Re.v. John •hen all the nature,-lovmgt ,mS,an.,nford St Pauls Episcopal ' · · rth 1s no a , · L • l!'h~toric on ea arth ,. Church: George Sc:ct,, pres1- «omg to save the e · d t Walter-Scott Co., and o Rockefeller stat.!s an~ n%d Tennebaum, arc~jtect. conference is ,predicate For enrollment m,orm&- the assumpt_ion tn_at eyery'?~; tion interested persons may must partic1i:,ate }!\hP ;mure". call 453-2000, ext. 2061. of a new eth;c wmc • ..:.:;;c___•____ _ .•,, '.

Gi'arluatrs unriergraduate~ knnw thi . 'l'hf'y knnw that, heyonri their SUpf'rfirial friction,;, stUdf'nts anrl faculty hang together-if they: cion't v. ant to hang eparately. It is nnt Clf'ar that the . turif'nlB' parents know thi : the peop!P nf California, or thr:ir repre enlatives in Sa- cramento. The people of Callfornia and their repre entatives know about infla- tion; 6": In l!J69 (when the univer i- t •~ faculty receivcri its last <·nst-of- ltving adj11. tment), fi'o in l!J70, :\";, Jn l!l7J They know that, ,ince l!l67, the pnce index for the Lo~ Angeles- Long Beach area ha~ ri~en roughly 20~. They are well aware that the late Income tax went up 60% in l!lAA (following Gov. Reagan's elec- tion); and per nnal proper y taxes ha one up a ily (30% or more anrl

truly be diocesan wide. Bishop Leo T. Maher will fly from one end to another of this extensive diocese to make it so. oting the feastday honors the patroness of the Americas, Bishop Maher said he wants to meet as many people of. the diocese as he can dunng the ob- servances. "It is important to bring to the attention of our people the proper role of the BlessE;d Mother in the Church and m their lives," he said. THE MAJOR celebrations Sunday, Dec . 12, will be at Our La dy of Guadalupe parish and Balboa Stadmm in San Diego, at Our Lady of Guadalupe church in San Bernardino and at Stark Field in El Centro. In Balboa Stadium, Auxiliary Bishop John R. Quinn will conc_elebrate a Misa pan Americana _at 2 p.m. with pries~ of Mex_1can- American pan shes. Bishop Juan Jesus Posadas of Tijuana will preach. Meanwhile Bishop Maher will be in San Bernardino and El Centro - flying by private aircraft to con- celebrate Masses in both places the same afternoon. B ISHOP MAHER ~ill concelebrate an Enghs~- la nguage Mass at 9 a.m. m San Bernardino's Guadalupe church where Msgr. Rudolph Galindo is pastor Following a reception the bishop will board a plane at noon at the Colton airport for

Stark Field . as El Centro s Our Lady of Guadalupe church is too small to ac- commodate the people. THE SPANISH folk mass in Balboa Stadium will feature the mariachi band and choir from Our Lady of Guadalupe church, which is marking its 50th anniversary as a parish. Festivities get underway at 12:30 p.m. with a procession of floats, bands and costumed marchers, leaving the Guadalu pe church on Kearney avenue and proceeding along 16th street to the stadium. The events end with a Mexican dinner a t 5:30 p.m. in St. Rita's pa rish hall on Churchward street. FEASTDAY obser vances are sponsored by the Con- federation of Guadalu pe Societies (Sociedades Guadalupanas) in cooperation with Mexican- Amer ican parishes.

UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO Ry ESTEBAN RUVALCABA //,.,:l,y.~/ The tntrrcst and dforts of a few st~dents and teachers may oon re ult In the formation or a fencing class and club at the Unlvcrstl}. . A class m fencing Is being proposed_ to t_he curriculum com• m1ttcc by Phll Woo\pert, USO athl_et1c d1rect?r, and by Ida Mercado, a s1stant professor of physical education. . The cours \\OUld be run under the physical education de- partm nt and would be t.iught by John Steyers,_ a cand1d~te for a Ph.D. at Howling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio. Steyers, working on his d(•ssertatton at USD, is

Pacific a 4-5 mark. Atusa Pacific: ....... 7 USO ................ 14

7-31 27-41

3 O



Leonard 10 POSS from Guerra Mevers 40 pass from Tully (Se-

USO - (Joche kick). AP well kick). USO -

Lee 1 run (Jache kick). AP - Huo1z 1 run (Sewell kick). AP - Huntz 6 run {Sewell kick). AP - Sewell FG 25. AP - Redman 2 run (Sewell kick}. USO - Guerra 19 run (run failed). USO - csm~ P0ASu~~~.G~er(~lck railed). USO - Boone 55 pass

presently giving private in• struction to a small group which includes B. R. Van Vleck, cha11 man of the speech department and a number of students. The group meets every Wednesday 11ight in the LaMi, a building behind c~mmo Hall. The class in- cludes two of Steyers' clul- dren. Steycrs learned frncing at Carnegie-Mellon University 1n Pittsburgh. The tudcnts and Van Vleck are beginning to orga- n ze a fencing Club.

Yavorsky 32 pass from Guerra

rom Guerro

(Jactit k1ck. .


RU\' LC 8 \

m,TEBA "On pur

of th lub could be to provide equipment,'' tudents. He said that fenclng out $-10, making 1t difficult for some people

aid John Gal tta one nf the

ulpment M t to take up the sport.

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