News Scrapbook 1970-1972
Youngest Ordinary in nation Bishop Quinn to head huge Oklahoma See
will be the youngest bishop to head an American diocese. Bishop Quinn was first Auxiliary to Bishop Francis J. Furey (now Archbishop of San Antonio ) and then to Bishop Leo T. Maher. The Oklahoma City-Tulsa diocese is a suffragan See of the San Antonio ec- clesiastical province headed by Archbishop Furey. IN A MESSAGE TO Bishop Quinn from Washington, D. C., where he was attending a White House Conference, Bishop Maher praised his "years of devoted service" to the diocese. "This service bespeaks the riches of your zeal and dedication, your loyalty and love of the Church and the I contmued on page 3!
Southern Cross Reporter AUXILIARY Bishop John R. Qumn has been appointed Bishop of Oklahoma City- Tulsa, succeeding Bishop Victor J . Reed who died in September. At a news conference Tuesday, Bishop Quinn said he would be installed in Oklahoma City in January as the fifth Ordinary of the state-wide diocese. It covers nearly 70,000 square mites and has 115,000 Catholics in u 2 5 million population . Bishop Quinn has served as Auxiliary in San Diego smce he became bishop in December 1967 in St. Joseph's Cathedral. IIE WAS THEN only 38 years old - the youngest bishop in the U.S. As Bishop of Oklahoma City-Tulsa he
PICfURI~ 100 fat girls a.-.~mhJC'd at USD for hvo months next summer, losing ~verage . ~f , 31 pounds each, the reward for f1111shmg a trammg program. This is th<' drenm of )fa · ~hapiro, who was pro- motion man for th<' bitterly rc>mc>mbi:red ~an Diego Rockets, and Howard Hunt, athletic d1rcdor at
UC'SD. Th<'Y hav<' tcamrcl to op- erntP at USD a slim-down ('amp to he ca lied Camp )tunicta West. (Shapiro, son-in-law of Ir- \'in Kahn, also operates baskr>l- ball ,·amps for boyi::.) Remember how Chuck Kl'_ml- ric·k came up with airplane twk- ets to and from Honolulu for the William C. Dola.ns just when Mrs. Dolan was 1hinki1:g th0y coulcln't aflol'd a varnt1on this year? It was because Dolan, ,1 i·cal estate dc>velopmcnt execu- tive, barl clone a favor for ap- praiser K<'ndrick, although Do- hrn hacl no id<'a what it was. So the Dolans ultim:itcly 1ook
Frank Rhoadr
-- ~w American alumni holds meeti ~/-'t/ 7 ,
university of San Diego. Mrs. James Be\t and Mrs. Thomas Finn Mrs. Finn has attended lour other AAC meetings for the alumnae and this year is representing the University m her capacity as public information officer. Mrs. Belt is a 1964 graduate of the University of San Diego. She has been a member of the alumnae board for two years and 1s promotion chairman.
University of San Diego will have two representatives at the American Alumni Council meeting in Napa Valley. The conference scheduled Sunday lhrough Wednesday covered all a pects of· alumni participation, fund raising, pubhcat1ons and contemporarv trends in alumn·i administration Two members of the board of directors of the alumnae of the Sacred Heart attended for the
Bishop John R. Quinn
USO Rallies To Conquer Azusa, 41-31
·-;;~;;;·;_·-··:JR~ Wor\d Religions announcement set an Ecumenical Center for World Religions on the campus o_f the University ol San Diego ~111 be the occasion of a reception at the La Jolla home ol Dr. and Mrs. AM. Livingston. The announcement of Dr. Author E. H1.,' s, president of the Unlveni· of San Diego, and Mrs. Hu~ es, the Rt. Rev .. _Msgr ohn R. Portman, chairman ol religious studies at US_D and Mrs. Schneider ,nil be honored . Dr. Schneider will serve as coordinator of the World Religions program. The ~vent is planned Saturday..
State bills seek college funds SACRA\rn:'ITO rAP Bills a1rru~d at pluggmg a po- t entlal community college revenue gap of $8 5 million caused by 1971 legislal!on rave been introduced in the Senate /I meawrc introduced yes- terday by Sen. Donald (;run Ky, R-Wal ·onville, would require out-ok tate stu- dents to pay $900 tuition dur- ing their first year. Community college offirials fear that out-of-state tudents will begin a mass migration to Cal1for01a to establish le- isal re: idence now that 18- ycar olds are considered adults in most respects.
Frankl to speak on psychotherapy Dr, Viktor Frankl, no~d author and psychotherapist, will speak on "Psycho- therapy and Philosophy" 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16, at USO Camino hall theater. Profe~sor or neurology and psychiatry at th~ University of Vienna Medical School, Dr. Frankl is visiting professor at_ U.S. In- uirnational Uruvers1ty am.. Stanford University. He is innovator of the therapeutic technique, Logotherapy, to meet con- uimporary forms of neuroses and emotional disturbances. His book, :">tan's Search for Meaning, sold more than a million co1:nes
USD football season set SAN DIEGO The University of San Diego club football kicks off what may prove to be a great season 8 p.m. Saturday, Sepoomber 18 in Balboa Stadium against the University of California at Riverside. The game is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus as a benefit for Mercy Hospital. Ga le receipts will help purchase medical equipment for the children's section of the hospital. USD belongs to the National Club Football Association which is a division of the NCAA. Under the rules of the NCF A, players receive no scholarships or other special aid. A smgle $6 season ticket will admit the entire family to each of the three home events. Season tickets for this year's program can be obtained thnlugh the Knights of Columbus, or the USD Associated Student office. For further information, call 291-2817 or 296-2200.
Toreros cap 3-5 season Umverslty of San Dic~o football players placed thelT helmets cleats and pads un- der Jock and key today to re- main until August when coach Jim Gray launches his third season at the school. d The Toreros complete their campaign Satur~ay mght 'oy losi~g to the Lo~ ola Uni\'ersitv Lions, 23-21, m a contest at Playa del Rey It left them with a 3.5 club loot· ball season. A dispute aro ·e when quar- terback Gene Guerra lost the ball in the last 30 seconds and the Lions proceeded to run out the clock. Guerra was attempting to pass when a Loyola tackler hit his arm. The referee ruled the plav a fumble and USO coach fon Gray ran onto the field to protest the call and drew an un portsmanhke con· dust penalt) c,I 15 yartl ·.
TEACHERS' GUIDE FOR SEX COURSE POSSIBLE Southern Cross Reporter SAN DIEGO - A compendium to the diocesan sex ed_u~ation p1:ogram 1s being prepared by Father W1ll1am Shipley, chairman of the philosophy depnrtment of the University of an Diego. Msgr .John A. Dickie, diocesan superintendent of chools,. aid that I< uther Shipley has volunteered to d vclop th ological explanations for teachers using th Education in Love program THESE \\'ILL IIELP teachers integrate the theology n ex1st111g religion programs with that presented in th • family life program 'l'hc explar~ations will emphasize the virtues, show111g how they arP rPlated to the theories of moct ·rn ~ychologists. He is not altering the prngram itst:lf. "I am not intending to revise the program as it exists now," Msgr. Dickie said. "I am aware of F,1(her Shipl1•y'. work and when it appears, if it is al1 factory for our needs, we will use it. "II-' IT 'l'l' H. ·s OUT as we hope, it will enhance ttw progmm '' l'..duc.1t1011 in l,0v , dopted last year, will begin 111 rhou• an ehool 111 ovPmber. •,;:-.:•••••••·•••••••••••••••.. ll"'•..-Y • • • • • • • •• • •
Sept. 18 .... .... ......... U.C. Riverside .......... 8 p.m. Ho Oct. 2 ...........•.•..•...• Occidental .... . ...... 8 p.m. Hor!' Oct. 9 .. .. ... ... .......... ... Claremont .... .... ........... Aw Oct. 16 . ...... . ........ Cal Poly Pomona ............ Aw Oct. 30 . ... ......•.• • .• . La Verne College ..•....•.. . . A\ Nov. 13 . ........ . .... ... .. Pomona College ............ AY Nov. 20 ........ .. .. .. ..... Azusa. Pacific .......... 1 :30 p.m. Ho Nov. 27 .......... . ........... Loyola ................... A
FOR USD GROWTH - Dr. Author ~- Hug~es, new pre- sident of the University of San D1e~o, right: accepts $1 200 check from William Quirk, vice president and ge~eral manager of Pacific Telephone. The grant will be applied toward USD's future development. Pacific Telephone has made an annual development grant to USD since 1969 .. - Staff photo
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