News Scrapbook 1970-1972


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Schoo Barred

Tuesday, February 29, 1972 REAGAN CITES DANGERS

Friday, February 11, 1972

U ibr ry Expansion Challenged

School Financing To Women

Hosts Dominguez Hills Tonight


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Westmont has faltered a l11tle ersfield, 87-75 1.111t~ la ·t start.

l:niversit)llE.'rton's biggest margin of the

FULLERTO.' - of San Diego couldn't force lerton State into an o







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'CSD's 1-2 combination t Stan \Vashing- dd ng 17. Pete Cosenza






dropped a 99-88 decision. Ui he I turn d



After I and 'F'red Atkinson 10. ses ion dcci ·ion over the same For Fullerton, Mark .Ramsey Fulle.rton club this season, e and A Jones led five m double Torero were beaten at the free figures 111th 22 each with for- throw line last night. mer San Di go . cager Orie USD wa~ whistled down 28 .\!cLemore next with 16. times compared to only 19 for Fullerton o,, uso 1111 the home club. s a result, Ful- McLemo,e i / T wo,hineton~ f T lerton got down 3.1 of 44 cha1ity ~hlldress , 2j l& nomosonJ t 1 i to es v.hile USO made 18 011 Rob,,,~~ i 1j J n 1T 24 t':11~' f t:~ 2i ~:Jig.." 1i li J The Toreros earned two more ~~r• ¼ t ! ~i~".-~ { 1g baskets but could ~ot prevent ~-~~i': 2 • ,g ,t" .. J ~,-:." 1~ .~ ,;:I, J lbe1r 13th loss agams 12 VIC'•, Ho1111me ....,. - Fullerton ,s, us0 torlcs. Fullerton is now 8-17 , 39 Foutedout -TMmoson. U D ends its ason tomorrow 10101 •ou1, - Fullerton"· \lliln. In a home ga: 111th Cal Poly of San 'U po. Th.e.·Hillflltb::ll:!!i.. twice winning e tta had

Page 2 - SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1972 Around the dioc Bishop Leo T. Maher

Thursday, March 2, 5:30 p.m., San Bernardino, Holy Rosary. Confirmation, Benediction. Friday, March 3, 5:30 p.m., Desert Hot Springs, St. Elizabeth, Confirmation, Mass. Saturday, March 4, 10 a.m., Palm Desert, Sacred Heart, Co!!firmation, Mass. Saturday, March 4, 5:15 p.m., Palm Springs, St. Theresa, Confirmation, Mass. on ay, March 6, 12:07 p.m., St. Joseph's Cathedral, Bishop Charles Buddy Memorial Mass Tuesday, March 7, 4:30 p.m., St. Thomas More Chapel, Newman Center, San Diego State, Mass.


Court Mother of Divine Grace, Catholic Daughters of America, holds benefit luncheon-<:ard party noon, Thursday, March 9, Sacred Heart parish hall, Ocean Beach. Reser- vations: 223-7371. Knights of Columbus sponsor talk by Hamish Fraser, editor, Approaches, in Scotland, 8 p.m. Friday, March 3, 3827 43rd St., San Diego. · Church of Good Shepherd parish council holds first meeting 7 p.m. Monday. March 6, provisional storefront church, Los Penasquitos shopping center. Boosters' Club of :\-larian high school, Imperial Beach, holds benefit auction and white elephant sale 11 a.m.-5 p. Sunday, March 5, at school grounds Our Mother of Confidence church, University City, hosts ecumenical Lenten service, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 14, s on r · t Ecumenical Action Committee. University of San Diego Auxiliary luncheon 11:30 Tuesday, March 14, Atlantis restaurant, Mission Bay. .Kn.icr.h•~ --~ "'---'-•·-L.-- --••--; 1.,. __ ...,1,.....; ... n .,.,.._,___ ~_,,.,__

Mary, Star of the Sea Altar and Rosary Society, La Jolla, meets 1:45 p.m. Wednesday, March 8, parish hall. Dr. Delwi Schneider of USD s aks

Famed psychotherapist • Ill p hlic lecture her to meet contemporary forms of neuroses and emotional

neurology and psychiatry at the University of Vienna Medical School, rolessor of logotherapy t United ta~ s International Umversitv. :fnd VIStting clinical professor of ps_ychiatrl' at Stanfc.rd University. The author of 17 books, his works have been translated into 14 languages. The American edition of ".\Ian's Search for Meamng" has sold more than a million

disturbances. Frankl states m his book. "Man's Search !or Meanmg" that "every age has its own collective neurosis, and every age- needs its own psychotherapy to cope with it.·• lie feels that contemporary man i. mostly disturbed by his lack of faith m the meaning of life.



p.m .

7-9: 30


a professor of

r'rank 1

information. Dance: an evening of modern dance by USIU's School of Performing Arts, Cedar St., at 8:30 p.m. Throll'afl Saturday. For further in~riiation call 239-0391, Extension 41. Art Exhibit: Drawings by USD students. In the Knights of Golum9ttS-Callery OJJ_th,e lJSD campus. Runs through March 13. Art Exhibit: the paintings of Lilli Hill. In the Founders' .Gallery, USD, Alcala Park_ _Runs throJJ_gb_Mar.cil..31. Art Exhibit: landscapes in oil by Eleanora Barnes. At the Ocean Beach Branch Library, 4801 Santa Monica Blvd. Throughout the month. THURSDAY FILM: "Civilisation - The Here as Artist," Camino Hall Theater, University of San Diego. ll a.m. and 7 p.m. Free to the public. For more information call 291-6480 extension 354-346. '







Old-Town Walking


Films : "Peter and t e

the Bat." siim1W1td -lo¥..San Di~ State the UCSD Ski College. Meets daily at 11 a.m:-

"Casey at


presented by

-So1..ctlte1.,,,..,, t1-tJ~s .2110/7;:i_

Club. at the visitors' center, 4016 Sciences Building, Room 2722, Wallace St. For information Revelle Campus, at 2 p.m. call 297~4831. Adults. 75 ceots ; children 50 Concert: Osipov Balalaika cents. ' Orchestra of Moscow with Drama · Aristophanes' Stars of the Bolshoi . At the "Lysistrata" and Civic Theater. 8:30 p.m. For Shakespeare's " The Comedy of information call 236-6510. Errors," directed by Eric TUESDA y Christmas. In the UCSD Lecture: "Water and Air - Theater, Building 203 , Fi_ni_te Commodities," by Matthews Campus at 8 p.m. W11l1am A. Nierenberg. De General adm1ss1on $2. students Sales Hall Auditorium I $1. For tickets and information University of San Diego, Alea!; call 453-2000, Extension 2491 or Park at 8 p.m. For information 1391. call 291-6480, Extension 354. Billiard Tournament: former world champions Luther Lassiter and Joe Balsis meet at the Billiard Tavern, 1106 In the Undergraduate

--Homance and R"ahty_/;,t. • II rillt:n antl narrated by 111 t historian 1'.enneth Cl.irk. .1s shown on ET\ networks Cam ino llall Theatre-.

/ Frankl to speak

on psychotherapy Dr. Viktor Frankl, noted author and psychotherapist, will speak on "Psycho- therapy and Philosophy" 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16, at USD Camino hall theater. Profe~sor of neurology and psychiatry at~ University of Vienna Medical School, Dr. Frankl is visiting professor at_ U.~. In - ternational Uruvers1ty am. Stanford University. He 1s innovator of the therapeutic technique, Logotherapy , to meet con- temporary forms of neuroses and emotional disturbances. His book, Man's Search for Meaning, sold more than a m1llion copies

Unive1s1tv uf San IJ1ego. Alcal" Park. 11 a.111 and 7 p.111. f'r"c tu the 1mbli,·. 291-6481! extensi on 354-34ti for mfonnation WEDNESDAY Lecture : -- Ps;•chotherap, and l'hilo,ophv' bv \'ikt11r Franhl, M.IJ .. Ph. D.. ,·minent psvchutherap1st. prufcssor. duthOJ and lecturer. Camino Tfieatre. L'niver\lly of San LJ1ego. 8 p. m. Free 10 t11e publi, 291-ti480. l'Xlens1on 354- :!46 for lurthcr information. TIIUR DAY Lecture: Populati.,n and r,nvironmPnl bv l'aul Ehrlit-k. De Sales llall .\udit11rium Lniversitv of San IJ1ego. Alcdla PJrk at 8 p. 111. 291-6480. ,•xtens1on 3;;4 fur mfon na lion.


Broadway, through Thursday. Two sessions nightly at 7:30 and 10 p.m. Admission . For more information call 233-1212. Art Exhibit: one-man shows by Guillerme Acevede and Zella Dickenson, both in mixed media. At the San Diego Art Institute, House of Charm Balboa Park. Weekdays 10a.m'. to 5 p.m., Sundays 12:30 a .m. to 5 P-m...-~d Mondays. Exhi~ugh March 31. For fllillilw, mlormation call 234-5946. WEDNESDAY Film: ''The Sea - ARiver of Sand, " and lecture by Monte Kirven, M.A. At the· Natural History Museum, Balboa Park,

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