News Scrapbook 1970-1972

aymaltf~ be!nstalled as president o{ USD Mrs. Hughes is to follow. Hughes. the lather of four children. was provost of Northern Arizona Umversity lx•lore ht appointment here.

t Prep counselors to be USD guests University of Sa o· S Thursday is to h t n hiego

~1 °1\·11 'Striking S.F. Catholic eachers·To J~i~,~,}?,~d,, demands f6r higher pay and high schools in San Francisco. P ac d red this move Striking lay teJ.C"hers m he ;:,.,n smaller class s1z<'< held classes only for a half diiy th aJ dhP Cilll=~ i~ 0, 1 Jd oaly ex- ' off'• "i11•o \/'t J. F'ranci ro Roman :'.ltholic Negouallons on a new eon- He added a tendance wa t x,·sting en l ons ' , . . ac a e <' • , Archdiocese hi h schr,ols voted tract were resumed last mght at tlie o her chools. • Kll" said the Jay teacbc esterday to affiliate with the at Serra Hig~ School in. San The Hcv Bernard Cummins, I a/ !t~r~ges about $L,500 a American Federalion of Teach- Mateo. Associal1on President 1 . t d t of the P . r Jess than th t public ers AFL-CIO. Jerry Killian of ~itty High m schoo superm en en . Y\1001 counterparts. About 130 ol 160 members of San Jose said an AFT olficial archdio~ese,_ said, "W.e ff te nd lscKillian refused to speculat_e the Secondary Teachers Associ- would join in the peace talks. \to negotiate m good fa1 th .. . the effect of the associ- ation walked off the job :'Jon- Killian reported that Riordan, Killian said. t.he archdioce~~ ~~ion's affiliation with the AFT- day at seven schools to back- Sacred Heart and Cathedral I has started h1nng teachers ___.... - ·~;;;;_-;::,,,....;..,.,~--.::==-.J 1\

tudent_s who have applied ion or intend to apply to the university for the fall semester, HY~2: are invited to ~ day of achv1lles designed t? introduced them to campus for adm1 morning. A guitar Mass in the Immaculata will be followed by lunch in the Student Union. Class visits in the afternoon the depar.tments of the University. Additional information may be obtained from the Admissions Office. are to acquaint the guest students with all of hie Tour s a nd visits to classrooms are to fill the



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communi ty









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mg ay, USO 1s to ° ege Day from 10 a.m.

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i1i~ry,,.appoints Yule lunc l1eo11 cl1airman

I~,~ uso b~g1~s , 1 tourney play

i,- ..l.x.,vvu. I 2 - 3-0 - 1 t T oreros beat tourney foe EVENING TR IBUNE O!Soatth TURLOCK - University of San Diego saved what was left - third place in the Sta- nislaus S t a t e Inv1tat1onal basketball tournament. Turned away by a point in its opening round bid against tournament champion West- ern Washington, the Toreros came back last night to swamp Claremont-Mudd, 84- 73, for th e i r fourth victory against five seasonal defeats. Tom Davis scored 24 points to lead the l'SD team, can- ning nine field goals and six of eight charily throws. He was assisted by Skip Laurie and P i n k y S m i t h , who dropped in 19 and 15 points. The Toreros take next week off before embarking on a tour that will take them to Southern Illinois, Dayton U., Creighton. Southern Utah and back to Dominguez State in California. Western Washington won the Stanislaus title by scoring a 74-69 victory over Stanis- laus State.

. 1 'L'1ov

USO agers Win In Overtime, 78-75 By Cm;CK SAWYER Guard St n Washington \with Mark Ramsey contrib- scored the last five points for i:ting 14 and IIltle 5-8 guard Art University of San Diego in Jones II. o".ertime last night, the las.t two Guard Orie McLemore. lor- w1t~ thr seconds re~:mmg , mer San Diego High and San to g1v_e th Torerns a 78 ,~ v1ct0- Diego CC cager, managed 10 r~ over FUllerton State m the points as Fullerton put five -C SD · I _ . players in double figures. _The dramat c comeback _by Ramsey, the 'Iritons' leading "CSD bro}.e a three-game losmg scorer with a 13.l average, did streak for a present 2-3 read- not start and played a little miullerton 83 a two-game over h.alf the game. Flaming victory string come to an end. red ha1r. headband, beads and The Titan are now 2. 5 • all, he ~ot eight o_f his 14 total USO, a ng the home court lfr;r~aital 10 nunutes of the l:l.dvantage for the last time un- uso 1711 FU~LERTON cm !tl Jan. 22. J ,st_ a chance to.wm smnh i 2.~ ,i Jonn 1~ {\ 111 i:egulalJ.Qn time when Pm~y fg:;:. ; tl : ..• ; ti ,: Smith missed' a free throw With wa,hingtn• 3-4 ti GibbOn, 6 6-! t3 the score knotted at 67-67 and 1:~ 1i ':;;;:;; l td Ii one I ick left on the clock. ~~~:'ifih l g:& i He had JUSt tied the game on ri,t,~. 3~ 1t1, ,~ TotalS n 11-1• 71 a twisltn" layup and was fouled ~~~~',;;\fa';.'~~~;; ~'~1?,"rlJ,; ~~, 0 J!o by the Titan • Ed Gibbons. 1 6 '·Fouled oul - Fult•rlon, G1obon,. In the ex ra session. the score Total foul, - Fullerton 16. USO " wa~ tied at 69, 71 and 73 before WashingtQ ;:ot his only basket I , of the ovcr~1mc to put tJSD on top to sta at 75-73. The 6-1 sophomore was also fouled on the pJay and con- verted the free toss for a three- point play, making it 76-73, with 43 seconds to play.

trl'e . For Reservations, call Mrs. Avilla, 222-2152; Mrs. Carl Lengyel, 4;;4-2'J58, or Mr Hobert Simons, 463-9404

J,. University Stude Observe Class


USO professor to give recital SAN DIEGO - Ilana Mysior, assistant professor of music at the Uni versity of San Diego, will present a solo piano recital entitled "Fan- tasies" at the downtown Public Library Tue day, Nov. 9 at 7:30 p.m. T The fantasy program in- cludes works by Bach, Chopin, Mozart and Schubert. There is no a_dmission charge. Mass Mys1or received her B .A. from the University of California at Los Angeles and her masters in music from the University of Southern California. , \ :r 1\ tf

tu ,tll chorus stu

I --C,,v~ n\,tr,~ Opr·n House Planned By 1USDUnil Reunion will the theme f01 I the annual Hohda;v Open House se.t today by l'mversity of San Diego Alumnae Of the Sacred Heart. Alumnae members and their . husba~ds ha\-e been mvited for I cocktails and potluckhors d'oe- 1 uvres from 7:30 p.m. to l0: 30 p.m. at one of three locations. Classes of 1952 to 52 and all alumnae of Sacred Heart schools will gather at the Point L?ma home of '.Mrs. Joseph ? Co~ner. Classes of 1963 and 64 will. meet at the home of /Mr.s. Wilham Dolan in .Mission ) Hills, and \Ir, and Mrs. Shawn I Quinn will entertain the classes of 1965 to 71. 1 .Class ·cc1etaries have f \IOrked to coordinate arrange-/. ments with Mrs. John Evenson I 1 alumnae cha~an.~__'

USD got possession a few sec- onds later but Gibbons stole the ball for the Titans and scored with 16 seconds left as the To- reros stayed away to prevent a fatal foul. Attempting to stall out the re- maming seconds, USO got the break it needed when Gibbons was called !or an intentiona· foul against Washington whc calmly dropped in both shot~ with three ~econds left for the final margin. USD played much of the sec- ond half with regulars Washing- ton and Pinky Smith on the bench protectmg four fouls. Ben Tho pson, a 6-6 soph-1 omore rom New York City. I took over the burden and wound up with 17 pomts and a hke number of rebounds. 1 Sr/uth paced the Toreros with 18. t 'aslnni: on adding 11. Gtb on< nd Dave Meyer each h, d R r r the Tritons

Bi': ;1 "mm1 111 II p;irl'nt: are th me<'lmg, mcctmg will ('urricular

Yoshi Ito

/I~ at I p 111

Pomonai b 1 rops T oreros, 78-63 Ss,ecial to The Son Oltgo Union POMONA - University of San Diego showed the in- experience of its sophomore-la- d~n basketball team here last mght and dropped a 78-63 deci- sion to Cal Poly of Pomona. j The Broncos took advanta"el of USD's cold first half (27 p~r ce t from the field) to gain a 39 -25 edge at the intermission. U~D improved in the final 20 mmu1es to end wlth 36 per cent shooting for the game. The Tor os, now 1-2 for the SPa_son, will atlem pt to even their record tonight in a game against Northern Arizona in the USO gym al 8. Tomm? Davis led three USD P)ayers m double figures last night_ with 20 points. SkiJ Laune added 14 and Pink, Smith 12. • Trailing by 16 early in thE second half, USO whittled the deficit to 10 pomt but suc- cumbed to the Broncos• press with Pol) also takmg strong command of the offensive board. USD cm CAL POL y [18) Rob G FT GFT Mtc1i~sn { 0:2 2 ~ee 2 0-0 .4 Wo5t,n9tn '- 1 J Bor~Que I 0--0 2 Sn,1t/:J 6 0-0 12 J6gf!-S 5 ) 1-i l5 Lau~ie 5 4.7 14 Love 1 1 ·1 5 ~t~~ich 1 lt ~;1f; f~ ~: Ttrrrli'sn 1 0-1 2 Willms 2 2-3 6 Thompsn 5 2.2 12 T tals 25 lJ·lJ 63 O J.-7 .t ~lft1me score - Col Poly 39, 3 J 5~-~~ 71 ruUled out- CP, Smith · _]otal fouls - USO 19, cQ1 Poly 20.

USD offers ho lid y courses for credits Unv,ersity of San Diego 1s now offering an academic

.4.,n,\, \.l\/~)1/ Lyons named to l'SD post by students I

to be olfered lour eve nings a week. Monday th rough Thursday, from 6:30 p.m to 9:45 p.m. are "Virgin Land: The American West as Sv01bol and Myth.'. "The Romance of the Violin. · "Philosophy of Love." and "San Diego Politics." $50TUITION Tuition is $50 per unit. A $10 llpplicat1on fee must be paid by those not previously enrolled at lh Umven ty All instructors are regular mcmb4:rs of the USO facult • Further inlormauon may be obtained from Dr. Henry '.'ltartin. vice president of academic administration, by phoning USO at 291-6480.

from Jan 3 through Jan 22 A maximum of three credits may he earned Courses m anthropology. art, business administrati on. communicatio n t s, eduratmn. English. hi , music. parliamenta r y procedure, philosophy. politic-al science psychology, reltl(IOU studies. and Spanish will be offered . BAJA TREK Also bemg offered is a field trip to BaJ hlornia to study the to of Baja and the cultur I of the Mex1ca l nrlu g the courses to be off r e mornings a week from m to 11 45 a,m are 'l nl on and Unemploy t!Rt under ixon." "L1teratur and th Sea," "The Ethno- Hi. tory ol ('X!CO." ''The Sah nt Crise or ·72 " imd ''Explo at10ns into the Mmd ' Included among the courses

program de 1gned to appeal to . tudents on Christmas ho iday breaks homt•makers and bu i Early for the in r~ "10n courses. wh1rh are ch duled to be held at l SD mornings and ev nine;

Barry Lyons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard L. Lyons III of La J olla, has been elected secretary of communications for the Assoc ed Student B?


games. Guerra finished with three touchdown pasSl!s, getting a hand in every USD score ex- cept one.

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