News Scrapbook 1970-1972
Serra Ceremony
,..: • S S'J)wnl y1n1Jnony \V 011t n ,Set Coffee :\!rs. Will am D. Evans has < been appointed cha nnan of a c coffee plann d by the Women' ComMittee of the Sdn Diego Symphony As oc ati, 1 in honor 1 of new members of the com- a mitt e. Thr event w1 I be held 1 ~ at JO a m '.tarch I 8" the home • 1 of Dr Roy !. Ledlo , father of '.trs. Evans. o :\!rs. Evans will bf sistcd P by 1me . Robert E. 1 , m- t< vitat10ns; George P ren , n noraJ arrangements; Ro E. r . lorriJ , mu ic, 21d R. er! Led'ord Jr., host ses 1 • Mrs. Robert E. Kronrm r, ' president of th worren 's - mittee, will assc;t 1n grce l guests l Musical enterta cnt will 1rov1ded by the l nivers1t) San Diego String Trio. Party rooms will be co fully decorated \Hth fresh meWas. 11 h1ch grow prof ly in the Leford gardens. The re• freshments table 11111 be cen- tered w1tb silver epergn from which wil' au ~amell a ar- ,z·t V. ( ,2~/7.2. f
at the University of San Diego
rEEKEND CELEBRATION ·ssion San go Marks 2 3 dBi hday With Fiesta
NOW thru Aug. 4th
1-2-3 Week Sessions Boys & Girls, 10-18 yrs. CHUCK KELLOGG, Head Pro International Varsity Staff Playback TV Playback Nets 12 l;ico Courts Day or Resident Programs
- taff Ptioto t,y Jot Hollt Park. Ceremony yesterday marked the 203rd annh·ersary of founding of San Diego by Father Serra, who also was a Franciscan. (Story on B-1)
The Rev. Warrrn Rouse, a Franeis- <'an monk and tea,·her at Universitv f • ;, !'.1ands nC'xt to statue ol at 1er Junipero Serra in Presidio
Summer Schoolers -
us for the afternoon $25 Week
For Brochure: Univ. of S.D. Tennis Camp, DeSales Hall, San Diego, Ca. 92110 Ph. 291..6480 Ext. 398 Nites & Weekends 273.1073
2 FROM UCSD AT CONVENT/0 nts Cit ml PHILIP SOUSA r, The San Diego Union 90 Union ~taff OiSPDf..:n
walking around with no idea of what they're doing here." Olney, 21, edited Dimension, a jour~ of conservative opinion that he said ap on the campus about nine ti es a year. "It's my first political convention he said. "The first thing yoa ote is the fusion, both inside and outsi • fIAMI BEACH - Two young conservative Republicans, utilizing their press cards from UCSD' Triton Times, have been creden- tialed by the Democratic National Con- ventlo ll re as members of the "youtk pre ' It s a spur of the moment decision for K OJ on, 21, a $enior in sociology, and Nori!' O n ra · . e now enterin /..,1, Lt"M- . O 1 .. 1 ()o, 7Z. USD plans opera recital "An Evening of Opera" will be presented at the University of San Diego Saturday in Camino Theatre. Curtain time is 8 p.m. The performance is free and open to the public. Opening the performance will be scenes from "The Magic Flute" by Mozart. Purceb•s "Dido and Aeneas" will be presented in-part by Dolores Humes as Dido, Queen of Carthage, and Dona-Marie Swaim as Belinda, a lady in waiting. For th.e second part of the program, Mozart's "The Director and the Prima Don- nas" will be sung in its entirety. Taking the part of the director will be Charles B1rkner. Lighting and sets will be created by William James . Jurel Costumes and props will be the work of the students in the Opera Workshop being conducted every Tuesday evening as a part of the university's summer session. Ilana Mysior, pianist, will accompany. For futher information, call 291-MSO. ,, 1- l~-7:i.. • I I I * 1l o~ ilngdtli 'Cilltl.G 37. Sat.,May20, 1972-Parh the Paradise Hills section of San Diego. "The San Diego d1ooese's 87 schoo..s .n San Diego, Imperial, Riverside and San Bernardino countie1 haYe an enrollment of 2~ 685 students. Catholics Pick ch ol Head for 4Counties ·auonal ._~..,_,...__.Catholic named a school Hughes Jr. was named the fmt lay president of the University of San Diego. Dr. Schmidt, expected to J:iegin in Ju y or Augu t, surceeds fsgr. Jorn A. Dickie. who had een su- perintendent of schools for five years. !II~gr Dickie wa recently named pa-tor of St. Michael's pamh in an ap- diocesan :hop Leo T. he last two i . hael Xe \'• 1er, ma b came the Iirst lay- n-an editor of the diocesan n C' w p a p e r, Southern Cro , anti Dr. Author
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