News Scrapbook 1970-1972
k IA, L;t,t '7 -'I. 1-'1'2. USD Slates 2 courses in history Toll
San Die~o County :'Ytrntal Health chairman Mrs. Cros- hy s charter president of the Bellr.s. ctor Barry ull van, national mental health chair• man l'tlll bi! guest of honor. Tickets may be obtained from frs. John c. tabee, race day chairman. or at the assoc1at10n offices, 3935 F1rst Ave.
4027 1 'nrmal ve v.hich Is di• !rs. Donna Asel- 'lf adu ts and young people at- tend clas c at the cenler 11 here educational, social and recreational programs are offered. Honorary chairman for hP race day 1s Bob Cro by, the rectc The University of San Diego, Alcala Park, begins its Post- Swnmer Session on Monday. It will run through Friday, Aug. 18. The Department of History is offering two courses open to the public: Anthropology II-three units- lower division-Prof. James Moriarty. Serra Hall Room 238, MTWThF- 9-11:45 a.m. Cultural Anthropology emphasizing peoples of prehistoric periods including cultural patterns and dynamics. History 110/ 210 Man vs. Environment-three units• upper division and graduate. Serra Hall Room '0.7, MTWThF evenings 6-9; 15. Prof. Ray Brandes, with the American frontier and the Frederick Jackson Turner Thesis as a point of reference, the movements and frontiers of other countries of the world will be explored. Includes Canada, South America, Africa, Russia, New Zealand and Australia. and other programs may be ob- tained from the Summer 5e¥ion Division, 291-o480, Ext. 258. Information on these • 5~""' '12' n. .. a. ._,,. . ...-1;• '"' I USD faculty post for Fr. Cornelison FATIIER Wilham II . Cornelison. principal ol permanent successor to Fa lhcr Cornelison is named. OH. II. GILES Schmid, diocesan school supcr111 tendent, said a search commitll'l' will be formed and nominations reviewed by him and Bishop Maher. Fatller Cornelison is studying for a PhD in education at U.S. In- ternational University. He was named Unihi's third principal five years ago, succet:>drng Msgr. John R. Dlekie !Jurmg his administration, enrollment gained from 702 to 1,260 students with the major jump coming in 1970 when Cathedral Girls' high school merged with University al its Linda Vist campus across from USD LNIVERSITY high was founded in 1957 with 58 students and with Father John P Cadden as fir t prmcipal. r ·a ther Cornelison was ordainl'd Feb. 9, 1963 for (he San Diego diocese. He also is diocPsan Boy Scout chaplain. Uruversity high school, has bL>en appointed to the f.cully of the University of San Diego's new School of Education. Eflecti\'C September 1, he will be in charge oJ the school's econdary teacher training program. Dennis C. Hart, academic vice-principal at Unihi, will be acting principal until a V "°'\ f'/w,/i., Do,,ido,/.:y. rrnler borhgrormd, , on,11.,~ nP11ro/ogirnllv handi- ->- cnpprd hildren at ; \ eltine c11ool. one o( the agencies to receire help thro11nh a ,'lental Ilea/th A. oc,a!ron dav at th., Del i\]ar Thorough- bred Club , to be sron o,ed Friclav b" the Belles Of Mental Health. o( 11rl 11nd rn{t ul Fr, rtcl \ onalion /or former patumt l11p C en in mentol tr,d, r1! I "111/i r 100/11,u oc, rtfn• I rrtul I /m,lth t rrlucalton oncl rf!r rcalion. al o u ill u fur /1 ol/P.r I ntul I/ alt!, rln • nl ti, rac c . o( I vl""-1~ Father Cornelison Pa rt i< 1 s,-.-JParli<>. _,parties fc11 mttm.itr fncnd or retired Adm. and :\trs. C. S Grant harp will toa t to their 42nd wedding anmver ary tonight at th Cu1am 1ca Club. The Sharp , who \11I. ho l the dinner, \ll'r m.irncd ID San Diego. Retired Capt. nd Mr . Wilham W.• Jone of La Jolla will cool rt for 50 friend by 1nving a t110-generat1on picnic . upper m cah·ma 13 at La .Jolla Beach and Tennis Cl:ib tonight for their son-in-law and daughter , :\fr. and Mrs. Spyridon Asp10t1 of Arlington, Va , nd for their daughter, .:Vliss_Stephanie Jon~ , recently return •rt from a month-long stay m the Bahama . C.ipt nd :\lrs Jones will entertain again Saturday with a beach supp r al the club for family members. Mr and 'vlr • Thomas W. Keelin will host a mall dinner party tonight for Dr. A11thor tl1tebc> president of usp .il!lll. u hPs fr. an Ir . Jo eph F Sinnott will close their senes of ummcr terrace . upprrs, each for 16, on Aug. 10. Party Parade To Altar Mrs Frank !lope .Jr. and Mr Richard Sundberg will give a lunrheon and linen shower today in .:\,frs Hope's home for Miss Martha Fr ·nch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hany B. French Jr., who will become the bride of William Graham Lashbrook III, son of };II and .\1r Wr!Ham G. La hbrook Jr. of La Me a, on Aug. 12 in • t. Dunstan's Epi copal Church The reception 111II follow at the Univer ity Club. Mr. and Mrs. Lashbrook will 1ve the rehear al dinner ug. 11 at ,m Diego Country Club Mr and :vrrs. Georg Kirby of tlanta, Ga.. cousins of the bride-to-he, and two sou will arrive for the wedding. M Jill Bro\\n, daughter of .\1r. aad :\!rs. Sol Brown, will be h nored at a prenuptial ho11er Aug. 14 at the Kon Kai Club b'; e . .:'l'orman Fox, Sidney Lind , Richard Gerding, David tot ky, Harry . !alien .Jame: Shannon and , ·orman Seltzer. Mis Brown will become the bride of Scott Walsey of Atlanta, a., on Aug. 20. R< lun1 F'rnni \Veclcli11g Trip r. and .'vlrs. James Rolph Polter, who were mamed Jul\' 8 In T9 _ey Pines Chri tian Church, have ret•irneri from wed- di trip to Lake Tahoe and are making their home at acific Jle . The bride, the former Joan Loui e Corwin, 1s the dau tcr of Or. and ;\,Ir:. Edward H. Corwm. Mr. Potter is the • .'vlr. and Mr~. James C Potter of Garden Grove. ,Mi Kru n Corwin, who was m the wedding party o! her s ter JI Ir.ave in September to enter George o Univer ity' a hmgton, D.C', __,._.~,.____, ' -2 • SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1972 - Paiie 3 Bishop Maher, pri~st praise commitment, spirit of Msgr. Cooney Southern Cross Reporter A FORMER NAVY commander, speaking in St. Charles Borromeo church last week, recalled how he became a priest after knowing Msgr. William J . Cooney during World War II. Msgr. Cornelius J. Griffin, a retired priest from Tucson, Ariz., gave the homily when Msgr. Cooney, pastor of SL Charles Borromeo, was invested as an honorary prelate by Bisliop Leo T. Maher. "No one was better liked in my days in the Navy than Father Cooney," said Msgr. Griffin. "As chaplain , he was responsible for giving me that final push to enter the priesthood." BISHOP MAHER told the packed congregation that the priest faces constant challenges, some small , some big. "Msgr. Cooney," he said, "has met them equally, with equal zeal. "He is a respecter of God's gifts and a man of God to be respected .. one who is a priest of the people, committed for life." Msgr . Cooney said that while "much is given to the priests of God," he fell he had always been especially blessed all his life. Besides family, friends and education, he singled out coming to the San Diego diocese, becoming pastor of St. Charles Borromeo and the "privilege of working with Bishop Maher for Stewardship '72." ORDAINED JN Chicago in 1934, Msgr. Cooney served parishes there until he became a Navy chaplain. He was assigned to the San Diego diocese in 1948 and served parishes in Big Bear Lake, Redlands, Beaumont and Julian and at the cathedral before being named pastor at St. Charles Borromeo in 1954. The investiture Mass was concelebrated by 30 priests and Bishop Maher. The music, reflecting the military background of Msgr. Cooney, in- cluded special songs, the national anthem and the Batlle Hymn of the Republic, accompanied by brass instruments and the organ. Msgr. Coo ney was the first of three new hon- orary prelates invested. The other two are Father Peter F. Mimnagh, pastor of St. Vincent de Paul, San Diego, and Father Gilbert Chavez, pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, San idro. 'l hey will be invested at a later date. High School Pr:'ncipal Teach At L IA-~L;'µ I i-~-70- University High priest joins USD The Most Rev. Leo T. Maher has announced the assignment of Very Rev. William H. Cor- nelison to the University of San Diego. Dr. Author E. Hughes, president of the university, confirmed the appointment, adding that he is very pleased to have a man of the stature and expetience of Father Cornelison appointed to the faculty of the School of Education. The appointment is effective Sep. 1st. Rev. Cornelison has been principal of the University High School for the past five years during which the enrollment increased from 702 students to 1,260 students. · A major achievement of his administration was the sut- cessful merger of the former all boys school with Cathedral High School for girls in 1970. Father Cornelison was selected as one of the 10 "Outstanding Young Men of the Year' by the Junior Chamber GQ_mmerce in 1970. •
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