News Scrapbook 1970-1972
THE REAPPEARA. ·cE of marine li1e in an Diego Bay has s1gnihca ce beyond the fact that o?a . nail , worms and c1usta- are more abundant than hey were m 1951. 'The findmgs of a biological suney conducted a~ part of an environmental ud b~ th U~i- "en,ity of San Diego ti'Ollgly in- dicate progre in th fight against water pollution. And compared to what 1 happening to :vater re ources el ewhere that is good !le\\ inderd. The turnm int came in 1963
System o We've m ·e v. orked hard at re- mo,.,;ng other o of a pol- became
0 • IS IOn Under Su y •
USO At~iliar~-Pl~n 'I loliday Happenings' Mrs. William Yancey has arship fund. been named chain Wt .of "!Ioli- 1 Other.~ assisting are Mmr.s. day Happenings, h luncheon J ames Mulvaney, Frank Pavel, and fashion sho lanned by Vital K Haynrs, John A. Wa the University of n Diego ter. , Edwin C. Ferguson, Auxiliary on Nov. 9 at Bahia 'J'honas Brady, John :\1 . At h, Hotel. aide, Walter Wilkins, Joseph J !I.Its. Yancey was selecttd by 'liull n, George C. Zorn, i-:d- the board or dir tots of the ward 'J' agwerker, W11l1am T.. auxiliary, which I compo ed of StonPhou f' Thomas W. Kt-elin, faculty members, facu lty l,an y n . Mablle, •. Lamar H. wives, motherS of students and Hunt aoo Thoma J< mn. friends of the universi y Dr. Virginia Livingston is pr i- dcnt.
We ha,e. in ho
the dang ore im- portantly, we ha e acted befor the bay was tran formed into the dying mora~s that ha ruined so many other fine harbo . Through concern and coopera- 110n we ha~e sho~ n what can be done. in me.
Mrs. Thomas J. Holmes will be cochairman of lhP party a benefit !or the umvets1ty schoJ.
Bishop Maher establishes award for distinguished diocesan service Southern Cross Reporter ,\ IIISTIJ\ GU ISII ED
er\•ice awa rd has been establish d y Bishop Leo T . . l.ahe r t,o give pub li c recognition r outstanding services to U Church in the San Diego diocese The award consists of a bronze m lilal with ribbon and a certifi cate. One side of the medal bears the b1 ·hop's coat of. arms with th motto ..Chris• tus Regnct (May Christ Reign). The reverse side is insc:ri d ith the rec1p1 ent 5 name and the words, ··in grateru t apprec iation for your faithful service to the Church." THE .\IEDAL hangs from a short gold and red ribbon, the diocesan colors. The award was presented for the hcst time recently to Dr Joseph Brock, acting dean of the UniYersity of San Diego School of Law from 1970-72. Another medal was to be awarded today, August JO, lo John Gamache of St Catherine of Siena parish, Rialto, by Father J;ouis M. Gunty, stor GA:\lACIIE, ll daily communicant with his wile, will be cited for Ins work with the parish council St. Vincent de Paul Soc1t1 and iU\·enile delinquents.
U D group picks theme for I ashions g ahead for e d-of- tbe-y liday par1 ies, the Uni SJty of San Diego Aux- ilia c:has c'ho en "Holiday Happenings" as theme r its annual fashion show, thls year .scheduled •·ov. 9 at he Bahia Hotel. Mrs. William Yancey has been named chairman b) the auxillary board of directors. Her appointment \\ as an- nounced at a recent meeting held at the h PLANS call for new pews providing wide aisle down the center of church, shown above with its present seating arrangement. --~- • Obtains ' ames C•l) Footb~II Lea~ue pubh 1ty man at thP school , l SF') and when he went to \\Ork for the Los An"eies R ms he to d mP •o call !um 1! I ever wanted to try foot- ball " Jone r called. At that t me Ram ' coach \\ as Glllm n, who la er cl'ached trc Charger for more than a decarte. Jone5 ran into 2fi0.pound Rosey Brown one dav, llter- ally, anrl the re ulhng aches and parns convinced him to stick to roundball "Thi is my hfe ·• he says no\\, "I en• JOY 1 1 I think I have ome- thmg to offer." He had plenty to offer m Ro ton certainly He helped the Celt1c- lock up e1i:ht tra1ght title,; from 1959 through I966 Before that, playing with 81 Rus ell at he Un!ver 1ty of San Fran- c1 co a11d unde" coach Ptul Woolper• Jones helped direct the school o a pair of nation- al champwn ~1ps. K C. coached three years at ;Brandeis Woolpert, now athletic di- rector at the Uru~ers1ty of San Diego, feels Jones 111 make n outsta nd1ng coach. He has the perfect tem- perament for the job, ' Wool- pert said ye erday. "Hes qulet, and he doesn't get ex- r.tted easily He always keeps his head about him." • FOR DISTINGUISHED WORK - Father Roger A. Lechner, vice-chancellor, shows diocesan medal instituted by Bishop Maher for outstanding services to the Churc and community. Medal, on gold and red ribbon, bears bishop's coat-of-arms and motto Christus Regnet (May Chri t Reign). - SC photo - Jlni SAN DIEGO, CALI FORNIA, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 12, 1972 'ew Conquistadors coach K. C. Jones, r ight, receives congratulations from Phil Woolpert, his former coach at UniversitJ of San Francisco, after Jones was named to head San Diego' ABA te,m. \\'oolpert, now athletic curector at Univer- sity of San Diego, won two • CAA h tles at L'SF. Bis~p~M:11?.- establishes service award A di stingui shed service award has been established by r ishop Leo T. Maher to give public recogmt1on for out- standing services to the Church in SanDiego diocese. Award consists of a bronze medal with ribbon and a certificale. One side of the medal bears the bishop's Coat of Arms with the motto "Christus Regnet" (May Christ Reign l. The reverse side is inscribed with the recipient's name and the words, •· rn g rateful appreciation for your faithful ervice to the Chu rch.'· The medal hangs from a hort gold and red ribbon, the diocesan colors. The award was presented for tn first time recently to Dr. Joseph Brock, acting dean of the University of San Diego chool of Law from 1970-72. Anotlier medal was awarded Thursday to John Gamache of St. Catherine o! Siena parish, Riallo, by Father Louis M. Gunly, pastor Gamache , a daily communicant with his wil e, was cited for his work with the paris~ council, St. Vincent de Paul Society and juvenile delinquents. y111~ F- f RoHr, t'lessey Sign Accord • HISTORIC MOMENT - Bishop Charles F. Buddy, left, surveys the December 1949 ground breaking at USO campus with Rev. Mother Rosalie Hill, Mother Gene- vieve Clark and Msgr. Richard Daniels, Bishop Buddy's secretary. Mother Clark is the only survivor, now living at Menlo Park, where Mother Hill's body has just been transferred. c,,,,,.s f - ,'(',) .. ecretary of t1,e Army Roheri F. Froehlke and Nrs. Froehlhe, left, chat with Mr, and Mr . Jame~ S. Copley, cenfer,.cnJ i.'I.Jayor and
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