News Scrapbook 1970-1972

Bishop Quinn leaves legacy of ~open /s;aitivity 1 By ROBERT fil VEROLI EVENING TRIBUNE Religion Writer The Most Rev. John I! Quinn will be installed tomorrow as bishop of a sprawling Oklahoma R an Catholic Diocese that's in the forefront of the ecumenical movement in a state that's about half Southern Baptist. Yet, it is a diocese in which Southern Baptists and Roman Catholics - usual- ly regarded as occupying opposite ends of the theological spectrum on most basic questions -- are makmg notice• able strides in learning how to talk lo one another. It is a situation for which Bishop Quinn's talents and temperament are aptly suited, according to a San Diego diocesan source long active in Okla- homa ecumenical affairs and a con• fidante of the bishop. " I expect fine things to happen in Ok· lahoma ," he says, "because Bishop Quinn is uncommonly well-informed theologically and represents the very best kind of ecumenical outreach in the Roman Catholic Church today. Bishop Quinn , a native of Riverside, will he installed as bishop of the Okla• homa City-Tulsa Diocese in Oklahoma City's Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpr.t- ual Help. At 42 he will become the younge t bishop to head a Roman Catholic dio- cese in this country. About 115 San Diego area residents will attend the ceremony, including the Most Rev. Leo T. Maher, Bishop of San Diego. Also in the party is Bishop Quinn's mother, Mrs. Ralph J . Quinn, who is (Cont. on Page B-5, Col. 1)

Also... ARTS LECTURE - The Rev. William Forshaw will discuss 'Art, .Music, Poetry and Mythology• at 8 p.m. tomorrow 10 the Athenaeum, 1008 Wall St., La Jolla. 'HEIDI' - The play about life in the Swiss Alps will be pre- sented at the Puppet Playhouse, 3903 Voltaire St., at 2 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays through ~larch 12. LI. o LANDY - The director of 'Teatro Espanol Umversi- tario' al the University of Texas will speak at 7:30 p.m. Fri- day in the University of San Diego's Camino Hall. RHYTHM POET Toby Lurie will read her poems at 11 a.m. and 8 pm. ednesday in the Fine Arts Lecture Hall, Gross- mont College.



re iling Psychiatrists Worried About Effect Of Hatred On Children


olrl girl on the sideline

lem·p ,uffpr shfl1• ll'rm ') mp- tom ;u('h as sleeµle,sne ·s, anx1l•!\ and bedwl'ttin ' aid Fraser "The1 whC'n the street is quiet. But then• ts a small group t,,r whom they do not resolve. T,11·,,. inl'ludt> children who d,•1·elop mental symptom. ,t11cl 1111ght wl'll •ie in truunle anyhow nnd children who learn to act violl·ntlv "In tlH· slurr, hl'~e. as well as in thf' 1·.s, there i a fail- ure nl cohesion of I he l:,milv Th1•re i, no one lo whom •a child tan confide his ft>ar. .\ child must hal'e a pam1t You don't go to a parent who 1 Pngaging in violence him- •elf What ran you sav to a child who fears his father is going to be ,hot or killed. who fear l11s father will not be there when hl' comes homi- !rom rhool' He kno~ other father nre m1ss111g 1about 1,000 Catholic· have been interned at one time or .inothcri. It is P:traordinarily difficult to cope with "Some ay the children are getting aggression out of their systems, thnt eng,1ging in violence di -;ipate· aggre,- 1on." Fraser does not agn~e •'Par idpation n l'iolence enhances aggre . 10n. They a1e getting behavioral clues. For ome the violence may pers,,t for a 11 hole life. They are not shockPd any more \\ ht'rJ thl'Y Si'e people wounded or killed. I\Tl,GR \l'IO\ \ EEDED "But it' a harrowmg 1ght when lhe children leave their chools e.,rh da\. to know !hat 1f a !me of soldier, ctirln't keep them apart they"d light each other ~ith lmltlr anrl

noi 1• lik1 gunfire had sol- com- pl,1•11ed p.irent werP trying lo pro1 oke an incident in- 111lv111g children. "Dur men 1 erc dose sl'I• era! 1111w to opening fire af- 11'1 el·lllg guns poking ,1ruunrl sin t rorm• rs " s<1id \ I ,tJ. Hohnt IJ1Pg Charg1• uf ,, plutl111g the 11>ur1g , e fn·ql1ent Thre~ t11111dn·d C11thul1c teacher~ m IJ111dornl I fj c'11t a me ·sage to Brit. h l'nme \I mistt-r Ed 11,Jl'd lie.1th allegmg the arm~ wa s11hJt·clmg children to .il1110 t 11nbelie1 able pres- s111,· ·a a deliberate poh r y · Thi thev ·aid included 11111111g troop mo1 erm·nts near 111 Bo side and C'regg11n r .i to cn111c1de with tht mo1enw11I of chool d11ldren From 1x )ear -old and up thPI hurl tune and bott e t old1e1 di-play bru1sr from what they ay are rul>- ber I wt 1·0111rol bullets like badgP nf honor ru h to T\' .inrl ,1111 cam ras readv 10 po e, bncks 111 hand. · (i1rls ol li>n goad old1er w1 h obscene vocabularie", VJ11dat1. m I a ,1a} of life. tn1ancy climb, to 50 per cent, chool examinat11111 re ult are the or,t e1 er d11·r, so JUnl(lj the)

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Keil~ poi.nted ational map of the L-01,er Fall,. " It ' a p flC''l on CU· mg ground for violi•nee. We'\ e harl ~o shoolln • ln cidcnts there ~his past n11111lh. 11 Officials of the . 'at1onal SocJet\ for the Pre ·nt1011 of Cruelty to children are ilmou" the fe,.1 \ ho can mo,e at v.ill between !'rot e tant and Catholic ar.... and thell' opinion i that tbe legac> of haln·d nu,1 runs o c!Pep a ne11 .tart must he r.1acte 111th the y111111ge. t (·11ildren no older than from thre<' to five 1 ear Tne . ·spc ha· formed nme mtr~rated pla1 • :rou s of httle l'athnL and Prote,tant · in Bellast and Lonrlonrl•T • and is hop ng to Pstablbh more •.vhen mone) l.:i a\ ailablc lb reports make aep1 c s- mg rt•adin . 1 er., I\ a an area betwq n hankill Hoad 1 Protest n' nnd Fall Road (Catholic, liil'h 11a a mixed marr,age zone that i,. Catholi1· and Prote tant 11 ho married e en other couk live there 10 peate. :--011 n o~ of Uw,e marriag ha1·(' bLP1 broken up by l social pre, sure· 111s1dP ana outsi e tre home, displacing scor of children GA'1E OF PRr,n ::--.m (j to an oper-

San Diegans lo See Bishop Quinn Installed · More than 100 S n Diego area re,idPnts will be on hand today when the !\lost Rev. John R Quinn wi I be installed as bi h- op of the Homan Catholic Dio- cese of Oklahoma C1,y-Tul a. ThP group Ile by charten·d jetliner to Oklahoma Cit~· for the installation in the Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The Most Hev Leo T. Maher, bi hop of San Diego, led the lo- cal dii>legation to the ceremony during which Bishop Quinn, who is 42 vnll become the oungest bishop to head a dio- cese in the United L tat es. RIVERSIDE. ATIVE A native of Riverside, Bishop Quinn wa auxilia1 y bishop here when the Vatican appoint- ed him to the Oklahoma diocese whose size - close to 70,000 square miles - is l\\ice that of the San Diego diocese His appointment Ila been il}- terpreted as an mdicatinn that church officials in the Vatican wanted a conservative as the leader of Oklahoma•~ 115,000 Roman Catholics. Bishop Quinn, a fonner presi- dent of San Diego's St. Francis Seminan· and a former rector of the fulmaculate Heart Semi- nary, is widely krown both as a top-notch theologian and as a m mber of the ervative wing of th" Roman Catholic supported Pope Paul's ban on artificial birth control and has stated his agreement with the Vatican's refusal to change the priestly celibacv rule. hierarchy m t~ BACKS POPE He has publ c':y

DEPARTURE CHAT- The Most Rev. John R. Quinn, ho will bee me bishop of the Oklahoma Roman Catholic Diocese tomor- ro , chats with his mother, Mrs. Ralph Quinn, before boarding jet at Lindbergh Field.-Tribune Photo by Bob Ivins

Bisho·p Quinn was aJ))lointed fol101\;ng the death last Sep- tember M bi. h •f, ;:: or Reed . Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, apostolic delegate to the 1.J111ted States, will o' fii;iate at today's installation ceremonies.

Bishop Quinn


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• 1ocese me the vast responsi- of the entire state of Ok- " Bishop Maher said. re ognitton to your capabi- The splendid qualities that are yours will equal the ''In leaving the diocese of San Diego, you offer years fJf de- voted ·ervice which have been mo t admirable. a service that zeal and dedication, your loyal- tv and love of the church and of '•For these years of eminent •ervice, I voice my gratitude amt appreciation and acknowl- edge your valued assistance. R5hop Quinn, who was born in Riverside, is the fir • and only native of the diocese to be The San Diego diocese takes in San Diego. Riverside, San o shepherding the la o • urh mamfold responsibilities ,~ I tie task fx>speaks the riches of your the people of God. made a bishop.

COf C IPR Staff In Reassessment The Chamber of Commerce fired its public relations staff yesterday as part of what man- ager John Borchers termed a re-examination of its commu- nications department. It also suspended publication · of its monthly newsletter, San Diego Business. Borchers said Laurence W. Reher, communications depart- ment manager, and Marge Simonton, news information center coordinator, will leave their jobs before the end of this month. No firm termination date is set. "We are not certain that the chamber's role in the business and civic community is best served by the traditional public relations department structures of Chambers of Commerce," Borchers said in a statement. I ''However, it is early to pre- dict just how we shall reorga- nize al this time." he said. Later, he said the chamber will be conducting a study of its public relations role for about two months. "After that, I can't tell you what will happen." he said. "We might go for a stronge department. Our study might lead to the use of more outside professional talent with a coor· dination of communications within the chamber organiza- tion." He said that Reher and Mrs. Simonton were terminated "be- cause it was fell that al the mo- ment we wanted a complete look at the picture without ha v- ing our present organizational structure continued.·• I j~ · 1 :2._

K.C. Sponsors Wrestling Meet The Knights of Columbus will sponsor a wrestling meet for pupils in Cathohc grammar schools Sunday in the Univer- sity of San Diego gym. The weighin begins at noon with wrestling to 1 p.m. Boys in grades three through eight will be divided into two divisions, based on grade and weight. . AAr ,.:..~ I- . -, J..


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,u1xtliary bi hop of the n Diego Roman Catholic Dio- l'SC'. wa named bi hop of the klahoma City-Tu!. a n,oce e B shop Quinn, 42, will be the ou~,.I' t b1 hop in the Cnited Slates to head a diocese. kt r J. Re cl, who died Sept. 8 The Oklahoma City-Tulsa dio- c ~on l ts of the entire state of Oklahoma which has a Cati· ol r p pulat1on of about 115,000 B1 hop Quinn ~a,d he learn d of t11s appointment about two w eks ago dunng a bishops' me •tmg m Washington, D.C aid the date of hlS as- summg hi new po t uncer tam but he believed it would be The Mo I Hcv. Leo T. Maher, bishop of the San Diego 1l1ri- H succc• •d the late Bishop al the age of 66 per ons. H 111 early .January e rrd v

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lfriiiili'itl~::.£.i:.....JJ~li,'.j THE MOST REV. JOH\' R. Qlll\,

. ucceeds Bishop Reed

perial count- he priesthood e B·S, Col. t ),

prepared Bernardino and

cese, who wc1s m Washington, gratulations m a , atu ndmg a White Hou ·e ·tatement. D


died f


"In hecomtng the fifth bishon

conference on the aging, off crcd Bi hop Quinn his

-UPI Tele,phOto Ravmond F. Harkin , center, vicar ge1ieral of the dioce;;r, and Re\'. Charles Shettler, chan ,1 r of the diocese.

c n- of Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Contlnu

Bishop John R. Quinn. left, pre- sents his credentials of appointment as bishop of the Oklahoma City-Tulsa Roman Catholic Diocese, to l\lsgr. l~l.0-'\ \ -S-72-


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