Alcala 1970


With a union of mind, spirit, and dedication, the tennis team embarked on a 26 match crusade. The efforts of a tireless tennis coach had brought to­ gether in the space of two years the people who through trust, love, and skill had the most successful year in the USD sports era. The recruiting of John Pettus, Larry Lupian, and Joe Washington provided just the right mix of personalities and talent to blend with Mike McCulloch, Mike Taylor, John Lopez, and Oscar Rodriguez to form a unified team. Coach Curt Spanis was even thoughtful enough to add a touch of beauty to the raw power of his squad as Teresa Jennings and Marcia McChrystal became the No. 8 and No. 9seeds. From the beginning it was apparent that this was going to be no ordinary year for the Toreros as they handily defeated U.S.I.D. for the first time in the history of the school 7-2. After three relatively easy victories the team lost its only home match of the year asear ly season jitters helped Chapman College to a 5-4 win. A little angry at their blunder the netters crushed four straight opponents 9-0 before giving up a single point.

KNEELING: Oscar Rodriguez, Larry Lupian, John Lopez. STANDING: Joe Washington, Teresa Jennings, Mike Taylor, Mike McCulloch, Coach Curt Spanis. NOT PICTURED: John Pettus.

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