Wakestone Hall chapter sampler

bony, arched nose, like the beak of a vulture. Her lips were set in a thin line. She said, ‘Several girls were out of their beds last night, and were so far lost to propriety as to venture into the kitchen and purloin comestibles.’ She paused to allow her cold gaze to sweep the room. ‘These girls have broken fourteen separate rules. Fourteen. As well as a significant amount of crockery. They will come forward immediately. Miss Garnet wishes to see them in her parlour.’ There was a rustle of nervous whispering. Girls turned to look at each other. Stella glanced sideways at Agapanthus and Ottilie. Agapanthus was scowling, and Ottilie looked frightened. ‘Silence!’ snapped Miss Feldspar. There was an instant hush. Stella looked down at the roses on her plate and swallowed. Nobody spoke. At last, Miss Feldspar said, ‘Believe me. There will be far worse consequences if the girls responsible do not come forward right now.’ She waited one more moment. ‘Until they do, the whole school will be punished. There will be bread and water for supper, and complete silence at all meals.’ As they joined the end of the line of girls that filed out of the dining room after breakfast, Ottilie shot


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