Leadership Matters January 2014

Holiday Season of Sharing

Hononegah Comm #207 - Dr. Kim Suedbeck The Freshmen Student Council members from Hononegah Community High School collected over 200 bags of needed items for Carpenter's Place, an organization created to help the unemployed and homeless in the greater Rockford area. On a Saturday in December in Rockton, students canvassed the community going door-to-door to solicit donations. Students returned the following Saturday to the homes where people agreed to donate and pick up bags filled with needed items. Student Council members delivered the 200 bags to Carpenter's Place and plan to continue their efforts with Carpenter’s Place by making and serving breakfast to those in need.

Joliet Twp #204 - Dr. Cheryl McCarthy School Board Member R. Dale Evans, and his mother, Rev. Genevieve Brown, sing a special song for the children of the JTHS Infant Childcare Center; Superintendent Dr. Cheryl McCarthy and Assistant Superintendent Ilandus Hampton, made a special visit to the children in the Infant Childcare Center as Santa and Mrs. Claus; For the last five years, JWHS teacher Yvette Jacquet has organized the school’s Angel Tree gift collection through the Salvation Army. Each year the school gets between 50-60 tags, which contain gift suggestions for local families in need. With the help of over 63 staff members, JWHS collected more than 135 gifts; Media Specialist Don Gray dressed as Santa and read to children in the Steel Tot program; The JCHS Key Club and Human Relations Club collected 15 large boxes full of toys that were donated to Toys for Tots. We are so proud of our awesome students. Great work!

Norridge #88 - Kerry Leiby A Holiday Concert for the school community was held at John V. Leigh School, of Norridge SD 80. The concert was under the direction of Mr. Chris Bucaro and Mrs. April Radzik.


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