Ipswich Civic Centre Event Kit

SCHOOL FORMALS 2 course menu $75.00

Includes your choice of a delicious 2-menu served alternate drop, continuous soft drink, chair covers, table linen, dance floor, and entry carpet and lighting

Mains Grilled chicken breast, roasted sweet potato ratatouille, light basil sauce Char-grilled rump, bacon potatoes, onions, mushrooms, rich gravy Pan fried barramundi fillet, spring onion mash, roast cherry tomatoes Mushroom risotto, parmesan cheese, truffle oil (V) Desserts Citrus curd cheesecake flan, double cream, blueberries Brandy snap sundae, caramel mousse, Tramontana chocolate, assorted berries (GF) Vanilla bean panna cotta, raspberry jelly, pineapple, macadamia crumble (GF)

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