
of stealing it. The girl cashier told him that she saw a woman take the hair bow. He took my mom and me over to the camera. He was still trying to say that I stole the hair bow. My mom and I figured out that I was straightening up the shelves. A few days later, my grandmother went up and spoke to the man. She tried to explain the real story to him and that nobody in the family was going back there to shop again. He still would not admit that my family was right. My mom called the corporate office a few days later. He received some discipline. One time there was a crime in my neighborhood. A few days later a news reporter was coming around the neighborhood trying to get interviews. I was out in the front yard taking my dog for a walk. This news reporter invited herself in my yard and did not ask my parents’ permission and put me on camera. I did not see any reason not to answer questions that I knew the answer to. I usually like being on camera. My dad came out in the front yard and saw what happened. He tried to tell her not to put it on T.V. He even called the news station a few hours later and asked them to delete it. The next morning when I got out of bed, I watched a replay of the interview on the news website on my iPad. I was very relieved that they kept my interview nice and short and that they left some things out of the interview. Sometimes people informme that I am pesky. I do not realize that I am pesky and cannot help myself. They usually tell me this when I ask the same questions over and over or when I plan a party and expect an immediate R.S.V.P. It is difficult for me to wait.

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