De Beers Impact Report - December 2020

In our COVID-19 strategy, we supported teachers with the trimmed curriculum so that they were able to continue to deliver quality education. To also provide the Eco-School committee and as many other learners as possible with health and hygiene resources and continue with the food gardens to ensure food security at schools. THE 3 MAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT IN 2020:

with 6 litres of sanitizer and provided 3 COVID-19 related posters at each school for common areas. Teachers and learners where given a demonstration on how to use each of the resources provided. Makgari Primary school got a community member to replicate the hygiene system and added 3 more for their school. We were able to give a lesson at 6 of the 10 schools on how they can better protect themselves from COVID-19. The posters given to the schools were to remind teachers and learners to take precautions to protect themselves from COVID-19, they were explained and put up in strategic areas around the schools. We gave support to teachers on how they can effectively use the garden as a tool for curriculum lessons in different subject like Maths, Life orientation and Science.

1) Curriculum support, 2) Covid-19 School readiness, and 3) Food security.

We got schools COVID-19 ready by installing School Hygiene System stations at each school, gave 20 masks for the Eco-committee, 1 sanitizer stand

Each School Received:

3 posters

1 sanitizer stand

20 masks

6 litres of sanitizer

Rasekgale Primary school receiving the COVID-19 response resources.

De Beers Blouberg 2020 13

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