NEOPOST - 2018 Registration document


Additional information

Publication of information

Notification to Autorité des Marchés Financiers

8 February 2018

Share buybacks – January 2018

8 February 2018

Number of shares and voting rights – January 2018

7 March 2018

Share buybacks – February 2018

29 March 2018

Number of shares and voting rights – February 2018

9 April 2018

Share buybacks – March 2018

23 April 2018

Number of shares and voting rights – March 2018

14 May 2018

Share buybacks – April 2018

15 May 2018

Number of shares and voting rights – April 2018

6 June 2018

Share buybacks – May 2018

8 June 2018

Number of shares and voting rights – May 2018

11 July 2018

Share buybacks – June 2018

6 July 2018

Description of share buyback program – 2018 program

17 July 2018

Number of shares and voting rights – June 2018

8 August 2018

Share buybacks July 2018 – End of 2017 program

3 Spetember 2018

Number of shares and voting rights – July 2018

10 September 2018

Number of shares and voting rights – August 2018

12 September 2018

Share buybacks – August 2018

10 October 2018

Share buybacks – September 2018

10 October 2018

Number of shares and voting rights – September 2018

8 November 2018

Share buybacks – October 2018

7 November 2018

Number of shares and voting rights – October 2018

10 December 2018

Share buybacks – November 2018

10 December 2018

Number of shares and voting rights – November 2018

7 January 2019

Share buybacks – December 2018

7 January 2019

Number of shares and voting rights – December 2018

This information may be consulted on Neopost’s website: https://www.

https://www. https://www.

Presentations to analysts

Full-year 2017 results presentation Interim 2018 results presentation Capital Markets Day presentation Full-year 2018 results presentation

These presentations may be consulted on Neopost’s website: https://www.



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