NEOPOST - 2018 Registration document


Additional information

Concordance tables

Tables of concordance for the management report Articles L. 225-100 and seq. of the French Commercial Code


Situation and activity of the Group in 2018

6 and 7 56 to 59

Analysis of changes in the business, results and the financial position of the Company and the Group Major events between the year end and the date of preparation of the management report

63 63

Developments and outlook for the future

Research and development

13 and 58

Company financial statements Balance sheet and Income Statement

179 to 181

Expenses and charges stipulated in article 223 quater of the french general tax code

193 177

Supplier settlement periods

Acquisitions of investments or controlling interests during the fiscal year in companies whose registered office is located in France

n/a 177 186

Five-year financial summary Subsidiaries and investments Main risk factors Risks related to operations

68 70 71 71 71 71 73 73

Legal risks Equity risk

Credit and counterparty risk

Liquidity risk

Financial and market risk

Risks associated with employee-related liabilities


Notes on the use of financial instruments Governance Organization of group management activities

159 to 165


List of offices and duties exercised in companies by corporate officers during the last fiscal year

21 to 24 37 to 43

Compensation and benefits paid to corporate officers during the last fiscal year

Commitments given in favor of executive corporate officers

44 and 46

Options and performance shares granted to executive corporate officers 2018 compensation of the Chairman and of the Chief Executive Officer


38 to 43

Summary of transactions carried out in 2018 by members of the Board of directors and other senior managers involving Neopost shares


Agreements between an executive officer or a major shareholder and a subsidiary Information on related party agreements

26 47 and 48

Non-financial performance statement Business Model Non-financial performance statement

80 and 81 80 to 104

Information on the share capital Changes in the ownership of share capital and voting rights during the last three fiscal years

61 and 62

Ownership structure and changes during the fiscal year

212 and 213

Factors affecting a potential takeover bid


Employee shareholding

61 and 62

Crossing of legal thresholds reported to the Company


Shareholder agreements concerning the share capital of the Company

213 213

Buyback by the Company of its own shares

Information on share subscription options granted to executive corporate officers and employees

42 42

Information on free share grants to executive corporate officers and employees

Summary schedule of current delegations of authority to increase the share capital and use of these delegations during the fiscal year


Dividends and other revenue distributed during the last three fiscal years Report of the Board of directors on corporate governance Information on the renewal of the terms of office of the statutory auditors


18 to 51




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