2016 Medical Reference Catalogue



Pocket Cardiology

By Marc S. Sabatine MD, MPH. Cardiovascular Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA


Be prepared for the challenges of patients with complex cardiovascular disease!

Prepared by cardiologists at Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, this supple- ment to the bestselling Pocket Medicine internal medicine handbook uses bulleted lists, tables, and algorithms to put key clinical information about a broad range of problems in cardiovascular medicine at your fingertips.


 In-depth coverage of an extensive array of cardiovascular conditions beyond what it is Pocket Medicine, including comprehensive discussions of cardiomyopathies, advanced heart failure, cardiopul- monary exercise testing, peripheral artery, renovascular, and cerebrovascular disease, wide complex tachycardias, sudden cardiac death, and electrophysiology studies.  Apply the latest treatment options for major cardiovascular diseases with incorporation of more detailed diagnostic testing and sophisticated treatment algorithms.  P rovide informed, effective patient care with current, evidence-based clinical recommendations, supported by key references to the most recent practice guidelines, high-tier reviews and important clinical trials.

 Enjoy this portable, user-friendly reference by adding Pocket Cardiology to your Pocket Medicine.

You can also purchase the loose-leaf version ISBN: 978-1-4963-3966-9 or the spiral bound ISBN: 978-1- 4511-9188-2

Loose Leaf Pages / ISBN: 978-1-4963-3966-9 / Spiralbound / ISBN: 978-1-4511-9188-2 / ($29.99) Approx 100 pp / 3 875 x 6.75 / 2015


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