USD Women's Soccer 2009

FRESHMAN (2008): Played in all 22 matches with 13 '"'~- ..... starts...scored three goals~and talliedtwo assists for eight .,- <''""'."·. 1__ points...earned an AII-WCC.h9norable mention and was named to the AII-WCC Freshman'team...helped the team receive a national rankin f as ti jg lt as No. 11 ... helped the team advanceJ91t ~~ e~ o~~d ~f the NCAA Tour– g~m~_-w1rin~~alra~amst Iowa (9-7-08) and agaiost 1 San Francisc~ (10-17-08):..scored one goal against La.8 ~LJe· .. ·. 1 ( .•-~ •.• o.•~1t.."2~W}.) ~_:ta.lli.ed\wo ·as."sists .. ·. i.n.· ..·a· .·w• ...· • 1 . . · , CIF Se~t~ls a~ :~1§ast~ ,n) Le~g~ champ1onsh1p... ' : was nam~ r-scho l's Female Athlete of the Year as a senior...w= ~-;,,ed fi;shleam'iE~;tern League three times...helJ:;;!ea lead her teaffl'to four consecutive league champic:mships...was"-naiiiec:J~nd~team AII-CIF as a junior and earned l AII-CI F. 'hono! ~ble mention as a fresh– man...was namei <;)Litstanaing,forwaJd as ay ophomore, junior ana,?enior~ layed for the 1 Surf Soccer club and helped le~ J~P-l team"'t~ e Su~f .Cui:;;!'G~mpionship in 2006...was~a.L,s?~'!member of,tli~ Olymp1c Development Program a~ i:1:Was a Regional Pool selEftion in both 2005 and 2006 a;~W~ll:as a State Team1member in the same ••-i: ' ""~=- '·'· '• C.,if: ' • ~ , years..:ln ,2006,shewas an ODP Region:4-:-chlmpion,a ·~'. :-:,_ ;•.::_,{. <,··; "'~,, J ' '" .. OPD Nat~on1L~hampion, and_in 2007 she was a ODP Re- _·._g··· ion 4·f#···n.d_., a~OD.P.··. national finalist. . ·., ·,.,,~ .«. a-b '., ~ ·.,,•·:, ""'··" PERSO.fiALt St:phanie ~lis~ ? .. ~~,~;\ivas_bor'}on August 29, 1990 m San Diego, Cahf....s~,e 1s,the-c:laughter of Carol and David Ochs...was heavily~ i uited by Long Beach State, UC Santa Barbara, Washington and Boston Col- ..,· ·-,~J;tl~••:" lege...chose to attend USD ~~a4~e of the great academ- ics, the location, beautifu~ ?mpus and the outstanding soccer program....notes,th2,I she enjoys the outdoors, ' music, traveling, the beach and spending time with friends and family.

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