Prime Mover - Portwest Catalogue

Prime Mover expert product development team are committed to staying ahead of market trends. A dynamic product development cycle ensures frequent introductions of innovative, high tech products that meet industry demands and exceed the requirements of international standards. INNOVATION

Flexible Metatarsal Protection Metta Max

PW NANO 6000 Advanced Nano-Tech Protection

Knit Gloves with an impenetrable hydrophobic and oleophobic barrier. LIQUID REPELLENT KNIT GLOVE


Offering complete foot protection the innovative construction of this non metallic gumboot provides extreme flexibility and enhanced comfort to the wearer.

STYLES AP02 AP62 See p150

STYLE FD85 See p122

New Innovative Zip Technology

Triple Technology Hi-Vis

EXCLUSIVE TO PRIME MOVER PORTWEST! Easy to work Easy to close Ideal for left or right handed users Both hands are equal No more fraying or broken zips


Revolutionary premium glow in the dark phosphorescent tape, with an afterglow that is brighter and lasts longer than any other similar product.

• Fastened with Esee Zip

The first major zip fastening technology for a century

Latest innovation in light emitting solar charged technology

STYLE G456 See p66

STYLE G456 See p66



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