1863 The manufacture of liquors, wines, and cordials



of the proper age and in good condition, has a rich, nutty, aromatic flavor,

Take white wine, ten gallons ; of equal parts of rum and neutral ; five ounces of hops, one fourth

Madeira Wine.

honey, ten pints ;

ten pints


pound of bitter almonds, mashed ;

one pint of floui

mix and allow it to stand for five days, theu

paste ;

fine with a pint of boiled milk.

Madeira Wine

Cheap and good.

Water, twelve

honey, one gallon ;

clean spirit, five quarts ;

gallons ;

hops, five ounces ; Boil for twenty-five minutes, and allow to ferment by the addition of a qua- 1 of yeast ; allow the fermentation to continue until the liquor tastes pleasantly acid, then fine with milk, and add three quarts of rum and four ounces of mustard allow it to stand for a few If this wine should need more body, it can be given by the addi- tion of clean spirit, or when it is only to be kept for a short time, the body may be given by the aid of tincture of paradise. Those preferring it, can use for making Madeira, thus : Sherry, ten parts ; port, four parts ; raisin spirit or tincture of prunes, one part j and ten drops sulphuric acid fov every gallon. bitter almonds, three ounces. days the mustard should be inclosed in a thin piece of muslin and be suspended in the wine.

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