1863 The manufacture of liquors, wines, and cordials



oil of lemon, fifty drops; oil of bergamot, twehe drops ; these oils should be well rubbed up in dry sugar before adding. This can be colored to suit fancy. Boil for twenty minutes two drachms of cochineal, -two ounces of hops, and two pounds of mashed raisins, in four gallons of clear rain water ; when nearly cold stir in four pints of honey, half a pint of yeast, and set the vessel in a warm position, and ferment for five or six days, and then strain through flannel ; at the moment of bottling, add to each bottle one table-spoonful of white sugar, and the same of es- sence of rose, or rub up well in the sugar five drops oil of lemon, and half a grain of ambergris for each bottle. When this spirit is prepared on a large scale, the sugar should be quite dry, and should be worked with the oil of lemon and ambergris, in a mortar. Effervescing Spirit of Roses, for Bottling.

Ginger sliced, one ounce ;




orange peel, half an ounce ;

tie these in a bag, and

boil in two gallons of water, and strain ; add three fourths of an ounce of tartaric acid, twenty-five drops of essence of lemon, and two pounds of refined su- gar ; when near cool add a tea-cupful of yeast ; let

it work for twelve hours, and bottle.

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