1863 The manufacture of liquors, wines, and cordials



witn neatness. The labels should be obtained from the lithographers, and should be executed in the highest style of the art. The same articles are sold under the names of London porter ; and the ale re- ceives all the names of the diiferent varieties of that article, that have acquired any celebrity in commerce, such as Scotch ale, India pale ale, pineapple ale, &c., &c. The bottles are packed in barrels or boxes, and are disposed of at auction. This ale is usually manufactured at cost varying from four to eight cent* per gallon. It is not an unusual occurrence to meet with in commerce, porter (or so called), that has been made from the fermentation of molasses, yeast, and water. This, after becoming sufficiently acidulated from fer- mentation, has the further progress of the fermenta- tion checked by the addition of alcohol, and a small portion of ground mustard seed. It is then strength- ened with aloes, pellitory, pepper, quassia, catechu, and burnt sugar, and has a rough, bitter, acidulous, and leaves a disagreeable after taste in the taste,


Flour of Corianders, for Beer and Me.


two pounds ;

aloes, one

seed, three pounds ;


Allow these articles, after being powdered,


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