1863 The manufacture of liquors, wines, and cordials



are made by adding four ounces of bruised pellUory and one pound of the grains, ground to a powder, to three gallons of whiskey, and infusing for four days and then strain. This is used for giving a body to and for removing unpleasant tastes from vinegar. The manner in which this infusion should be used, will be left entirely to the judgment of the palate. This vinegar may be sufficiently " sharp," and be de- ficient in body ; or a peculiar taste may exist from sulphuric acid. These objections will be removed upon the addition of a glassful of the infusion just mentioned, to every forty gallons of the vinegar. The clear, or white wine vinegar, should always be gent into market in neat wine or brandy casks, of any kind ; each head should be freshly plastered with plaster of Paris. This consists of mixing the plaster of Paris with water to the consistency of common, mortar, and applying it to the heads of the barrels immediately. Vinegar is colored v\ ith the same materials that liquors are. Colored vinegar has never acquired any celebrit}', and is not much sought after by con- sumers. The operator will find the mott remunera- tive investment in the manufacture of white wine The generators having the sand filtering attachments, as described, will be enabled to produce an article of a fine color. Instances often arise that vinegar.


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