1863 The manufacture of liquors, wines, and cordials



Simple syrup, fifteen ounces ;

Syruj of Vanilla.

spirit of vanilla, one ounce ;


Simple syrup, pint and a half ;

Syrup of Neroli.

essence of orange, one ounce ;

spirit of orris-root,

half an ounce ; made by digesting four ounces of orris-root, powdered, with five ounces of neutral spirit, for thirty-six hours. Any of these articles can be found at the druggists. One grain of musk dissolved in an ounce of alcohol greatly improves the above. The whole of the above, to be well mixed, should be warmed something above blood heat. this is

Simple syrup, pint and a

Syrup of Jessamine.

; spirit of orris-root, one ounce ;

essence of ber-


essence of lemon, one drachm j

gamot, two drachms j

warm the

essence of cinnamon, five drops ; syrup, and add the essences.


/Syrup of Cologne. Simple syrup, pint and a half ; warm the syrup, and add while stirring, oil of ber- gamot, two drachms ; oil of lemon, thirty drops ; oil of rosemary, fifteen drops ; pure alcohol, three ounces ; allow the oils to dissolve in the alcohol for one hour.

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