Alcalá 1979


oach Brovelli achieve a persona l milestone: his I00th victory as USD basketball coach, appropriately, that I00th victory was on our own court, a 56-54 win over Hawaii-Hilo. With only two graduating seniors, the bulk of the squad will be back next year to play Div. I in the West Coast Athletic Conference. From the outset of the I978-'79 season, it was obvious that this would be a rebuilding year for Men's Basketball. The Toreros were out to defend their NCAA Div. II West Coast Regional Championship after suffering the loss of seven seniors, including four

who were starters. There were many new Toreros, both freshman a nd transfers, who would form the nucleus of this mystery team. But under the guidance of Coach Jim Brovelli, youth and enthusiasm carried the Toreros to another outstanding year. The Torero charge was led this yea r by rebounding and scoring leader Bob Barthalomew, the slick court manuvers of Mike Stockalper, and the consistency of Joe Evans, Earl Pierce, and Russel J ackson . It was largely due to their men who helped

Top row L to R: Head Coach: Jim Brovell i 8 '11 B . . . Ken Cooney, Russell Jackson, John Baum Ci I


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avasi, Jim H1tzelber_gcr, Keuh Cunningham, Frank Walsh, Bob Bartholomew: Joe Evan ~I Pierce. \hi

tockalper Dave Cook



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picture : Don Ca pener.





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