Alcalá 1979

FOOTBALL outstanding season when the National Foundation a nd Hall of Fame selected him for the NCAA College Division lll Scholar-Athlete of the Year. On offense, running backs Dave Maynard and Jeff Morgan galloped through opposing defenses. John Dudek tied the career reception record with six consecutive field goals. Most of last years team will be returning with added experience and renewed intensity. If the 1978 season is an indication of what hard work and determination can do, then Torero football fortunes are surely on the rise.

The woes of the USO football team may finally be over. The 1978 Torcros posted a mediocre 6-4 record but it wa their finest season si nce 1973. The Toreros lived or died according to how well their defense played; a defense ranked 18th nationally. pearheaded by the excellent linebacking corps of Barney Rumps, Jack Mason and Greg Perkins, the Toreros vanquished Cal l utheran (8- 7), Pomona College (27- 24 ), Occidental (21-16 ),Edwards Air r rce Base (47-0), USIU (38-20), and St. Mary's College (27- 11 ). Jim Goldstone and Art Jupiter were the mainstays of U D's econdary. Barney Rumps was rewarded for an

Bae row: Coach Bill Williams Coach Jo A ·d Peter, 'vlikc McGee Rod A ~t Tom ·;lricklan. Barn~ Rum: rews,_ . 0 ~ ar clcg1an, Chris Jenkins, Dave Amarente, Mike Taylor, Chris Franciscan, . iller, Bruce McMantes, Ken Loghran, Chuck Schoepo, Phil Kelly, Bill Ferrin, Dave Westome, R e coac Tim Howard. Middle ~ow: T~~~ J~f!{::i"agin, John Finnevau, Steve ~ anton: John Dudek, Ken Wright, Randy Reppinhagen, Coach Kevin McGar;{Jupiter. Dan Hurban. Dave Tiss. Rick Kin G: nd jtrc~ton Sims, Jeff Kearin, Chris Bawer, Joe Schmidt, Earl Robinson, Scott Gelly, Jesse Amiui ca~:berr), Ji1" alcn?Ula. Dave Maynard. Chuck i•illa/ Ti~~c~1oli, Larry Packer, K1mo Sterling, Hank Robinson, Gary Serna, Alan Greenspan,_Gary ff Morgan. Jir.: Gon1alc1. Mark Lcbarg. Rick Ferrer G~or ciar. Front row: Joe Henry, John Green, Pat laccino, Sea n O'Connor, Chris Levine, Je · ge Ca landn , Jim Goldstone, Greg Perkins, Nils Ericson, Jack Mason. R ~- mi on, M k K . . . M'k L dbetter. B 1 e ~ R galod


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